chapter nine

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Chapter nine - Bad news

[Louis' POV]

I sighed, leaning back on Harry. We're waiting on Niall and Liam. Liam has taken him to the doctor. Harry wrapped his arms tighter around my waist, me sat on his lap. Zayn hasn't moved in an hour. He's sat staring at the blank TV. Ever since last night, Zayn hasn't spoke. He apologized to Niall, who didn't accept the apology and now Zayn won't speak. Niall didn't even explain why he won't accept the apology, it doesn't make sense. Worst of all, we have a band meeting soon.

When Liam came through the door, all three of us looked over. He came in, looking at the floor sadly. A flash of fear ran through my veins. Where's Niall?

[Zayn's POV]

"I hear Niall's ill." The interviewer says, smiling sadly. Fake.

"He's going to be fine." Harry says, obviously lying.

"It's just a shame. The paparazzi took photos of him going in.." The interviewer shook her head. "He looked a bit sad."

"Whatever is wrong with him, we'll help him through it." Louis says, hard faced with no trace of humor or jokes. "We're always here for each other, if he's ill and needs looking after, we're all here for him."

I felt he was indirectly speaking to Niall, in a way.

Back at Pauls, it was silent. No one knew what to say. The only time I've spoken is to answer interview questions. The boys have been the same. The atmasphere is horrible and none of us are used to it. Niall normally breaks the ice. Without him, its just getting thicker in the air. Squeezing on my windpipes, tearing at my heart, poisoning my stomach.

"Zayn?" The other lads called as I ran out.

I luckily got to the bathroom in time, bending over the toilet. My throat burned. Either from guilt or the fact I threw up, I cant tell.

For a moment I stood, wavering on my feet. Before it all hit me, bursting out..

It's my fault that Niall is like this.

I shouldn't have faught with him.

I shouldn't have been rude.

I should've been honest.

I shouldn't have snapped.

I shouldn't have sent him into depression.

A/n: Sorry, it is a filler. I'm trying to decide on whether i want a happy ending or over dramatic sad one. Aha, either way. Gonna try and update soon!

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