chapter 13

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||Nialls POV||

"You're idiots," Greg mutters. "You're utter idiots."

"As you've said multiple times already." Louis points out. "Either way, it's too late, we're here now."

We're at management, heading to the building. The guards give us funny looks, but don't stop us going in. Greg hovers close, but at a distance to keep a watch from behind. Louis comes closer to my side as we walk down the long hall, grabbing my hand for a moment. I squeeze his hand before he let's go, sharing a serious look with him.

"It'll be ok," I mumble. "We'll find out what's wrong."

"I don't know. It seems a bit off that they just let us come in... Right Greg? Oh, shit."

Looking around when Louis stops I notice Greg isn't anywhere to be seen. The doors are all shut, nothing changed and no matter how much I twich my cat ears, I don't hear him.

"We have to go, this has to a trap or something." Louis reaches over, grabbing my bicep.

"We can't leave Greg!"

"He'd want you to leave!"

"You don't know that. We have to find him."

"Not on our own, we can't. All that will happen is we'll get trapped too and then what good can we do?" Louis snaps, raising his eyebrows. "If we go now we can get Paul and see if he knows what's going on. Maybe he'll know how to get Greg back."

Reluctantly, I let Louis drag me back the way we came but my wrist- literally pulling me along. My tail is swishing rather violently behind me and I can't help but feel annoyed at it; there is a time and a place. That's when Louis freezes, eyes widening.

"Don't sniff in!" Louis quickly says, pulling his shirt over his mouth and nose.

"What are you on about?" I frown.

"Caliip!" Louis' voice is muffled and I can't even understand him.


"Ju't fuckin' cov' your mouth!" Louis exclaims.

The door behind Louis slams open, a guard grabbing him.

"Get off him!" I exclaim, pushing their hands off him. "Dick!"

It's not exactly an equal struggle since Louis refuses to help. Whatever he thinks he can smell better be god damn important, he's going to get taken at this rate. Then, someone grabs me and pulls me away from Louis... But doesn't hold on. He simple keeps blocking me from Louis.

"Don' sniff!" Louis exclaims.

The guard starts to pry Louis' hands away from his mouth. Then the smell hits me. What on earth is that? It's like a gas in the air, toxins going in and spreading up to my brain. No matter how many times I blink, it doesn't stop my vision blurring or brain going fuzzy. I can't think

Why are we in this hall? That smell. Where's it coming from? I should find it. That should be my priority, it's obviously more important.


I ignore them. I have to find this smell. I have to. I need to. Luckily, it doens't take long to find it. In the corner of a large box is this green leaves and purple flowers. Something about the box makes me wary; but that smell. Once I'm in the box, the way I came in is blocked off, locking me in. Not that I care; at least not right now. All I can concentrate on is the green leaves and the indulgent smell.

I can't stop from groaning. My head feels fuzzy, but is also pounding. I feel hungover, but I'm pretty sure I didn't get drunk or anything like that.

"Ah, you're awake."

"Ow, shut up ya' cunt." I mutter, slowly sitting up.

They simply chuckle. Squinting, I realise two things straight away. One; I'm in a cage. Two; Still at management. Great.

"You sound hungover." That's when I realise Jeff is at his desk, talking to me. "Odd that a little herb can have such a powerful affect."

"What are you talking about?" I snap, wincing when I hit my head on the roof of the cage.

"Catnip. The smell alone sends feline's crazy." Jeff snorts, leaning forward. "Louis was very smart about it all, wasn't he? Soon as he got that small wiff, he was never going to move his hand away from his mouth. Took a lot to get him down. Had to sedate him in the end." He cocks his head, still smirking. "Greg was very easy."

"Leave them alone." I finally choke out, head spinning.

"Oh, now wait, I haven't gotten to the good part!" Jeff chuckles. "Don't you want to know about Harry and Zayn? What's happened to Paul?"


"There we go. Now, if you'll be quiet, I'll explain it all." Jeff pauses, making sure I stay quiet. "Anywho, with Greg it was a set-up. It was sad how easy it was to get him to do whatever we want. Harry and Zayn were more difficult. Well, I say difficult. Once we convinced them that we'd leave you and Louis unharmed, they'd do anything for us."

He starts laughing like he just told the funniest joke. It aches my head with how loud he's laughing and it's difficult not to cover my ears, screaming at him to stop. I don't know how I withstand.

"Well, once those two were... Submitting... It was simply a case of planning. Now, we have the reward for getting Paul and his little protect-the-hybrid group to the law enforcers." Jeff grins wider. "And now you are here, in a cage and Louis will be here soon. Oh, you'll love what we've had done with him!"

He doesn't bother waiting any longer, not bothering to let me soak up the information. He presses a buzzer, telling whoever it is to bring Louis in. The air is so tense I could grab it if I want. When Louis finally is brought in, I almost cry.


Ok, I know, it's been decades. I've not been able to get on Wattpad for this whole time bc it's blocked @ school and I don't have the internet at home. I've got the internet for the next two weeks so I'm going to furiously type and try to get a decent amount of story done at the minimum. Anywho, hope it isn't stupidly over-dramatic! xx

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