Chapter XXII - The Wedding Night...continued

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There were two master suites of numerous apartments within Nørrdragor. One for Godwin and the other for Lucian. Each suite took up about half the floor space above the roaring fires of the great hall. I wondered quietly along my husband's half as Astrid lead me through each chamber. The only chamber which shared the space between both great halves was the private, stately dining room which accommodated a fireplace that replicated the two grand hearths below, albeit on a much smaller scale.

Like Godwin's private solar, there was a living area of sorts with a library, vivid tapestries on the walls and a large rug of brown fur across the grey stone floor. I peeked into the adjacent chamber and discovered, to my delight, that it was almost identical to Anne's. A lady's solar! I entered with my little taper and walked all the way to the large glazed window, but I could not enjoy the prospect for there was naught but dense blackness beyond.

"It overlooks the ocean, miss." Astrid said from behind me, knowing how much I enjoyed staring out the western tower's uppermost window; the one that afforded spectacular views of the Redweld forest.

Well, no need to procrastinate further, I suppose.

I sighed forlornly, my breathe almost extinguishing the flame, as the little maid lead me to the the master's bed chamber.

Astrid, had removed my weighty gown and slippers, debarrassed me of all but my filmy shift, ere she had closed the door and left me to my own gloomy council. However, not before also placing two fresh tapers on the mantlepiece, which was unnecessary since the fire she had started in the hearth cast a soft glow that reached all four corners of Lucian's bed chamber. It crackled heartily, echoing throughout the silent room as it steadily began to thaw the frozen stones beneath my bare feet. Would that it could banish the dread from my breast as well as it did the cold. 

I waited, wiping the constant stream of tears from my cheeks. I cared little that my eyes were swollen and unattractively red.

All the better, I thought.

I lifted Ulfrlykill from where it lay around my neck and placed the silver chain at the bottom of the chest that held all my worldly belongings. I was still perplexed by Rose's gift, but I had more substantial concerns to ponder now and Rose's odd gift could wait till another day.

Perhaps he won't come. I then scoffed at myself. Of course he'll come!

What a lark! How droll I was being tonight. I was unable to sit still, my hands needing constant occupation lest I go mad with the waiting. Ergo, I sat on a stool in front of the fireplace, combing out my jetty locks and feigning a calm I did not feel — as attested by my agitated knee, bouncing rhythmically to some wild tattoo; possibly the violent tempo of my poor quavering heart?

I waited. Still, he stayed away. The rushlights stood now halfway burned, the telltale indication of the passage of time. Our apartments, his apartments, were situated directly over the great hall and I could still hear the hurly burly carousing and clamor of celebration that seemed unlikely to diminish till dawn, by the sounds of things.

Perchance he may imbibe himself into a stupor and be unable to...

However, that was a useless notion and only served to bedevil me further so, In lieu of fruitless speculation, I turned my attention back to the din in the great hall. I could well imagine how terribly frigid the rest of the castle chambers might be tonight, except Godwin's of course, considering they were not built atop the hall, and its massive fireplace, as this room was — I was yet cold, albeit not as much as I might have been were I currently established elsewhere. 

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