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Today was Josh Dun's first day of school, he set out to find Andrew Hurley.

To: Andy
I'm here, how many minutes until the first bell wrings?

From: Andy
In 10. Meet me in the courtyard.

To: Andy

Josh put his phone in his pocket and headed on the direction to the courtyard.

The courtyard had many paths that led to the center, and in the center was a small garden full of Japanese plants and trees.
This would be the place Tyler would go during lunch.

Andy was sitting on a rock on one of the paths, Josh quickly spotted him and went to him.

"Fancy seeing you here." His friend greeted.

"You too, man." Josh softly punched Andy's arm.

"You wanna try me?" Andy joked.

"Nah, you'd probably squish me." Josh played along.

A soft breeze entered the courtyard despite all the buildings surrounding it, making Tyler visible in his hide out, his flowing lavender skirt trying to be free with the wind, and his book in his hands; his eyes scanning across the pages at high speeds.

"Who's that?" Josh asked, his face reddening.

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