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Josh found paper and a pen on Tyler's desk, it was lacking pen marks so he decided to write Tyler a note.

dear Tyler,
     I'm so sorry I never truly realized how much pain you were in constantly. I wish I noticed. I could've helped you get the therapy you needed sooner, help you stop self harming, and just help you be happy. you don't have to do this on your own, but I know that you don't like causing other people trouble. sink or swim, I'll always be here for you Tyler. just don't fall away, don't leave me here, now, or ever. you'd have no idea how much I'd miss you. but if you left it'd just be karma from me leaving you. I'm sorry. I'm so fucking sorry Tyler. I don't even know what to fucking say anymore. I miss you, I really fucking miss you. I love you, and I really hope you read this. please don't ever doubt the growing amount of love I have for you. it will never dissipate. I'm sorry, so sorry you've been grieving by yourself.

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