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Joshua Dun took his new boyfriend to a cute restaurant just on the outskirts of town, Tyler Joseph looked unbelievably happy. It made Josh happy to watch Tyler smile, even if it was a sad looking smile.

"Thank you, Josh." Tyler said.

"No problem, you look absolutely beautiful tonight, but then again you always do."

"Can I admit something to you?" Tyler asked, putting the fork he was holding gently down.

"Of course, what's wrong?" Josh replied, looking slightly worried. Tyler always had surprises wether they were good or bad.

"I never have liked myself, I don't think I ever will. Sometimes I stand in front of the bathroom mirror and hold a razor to my neck, pushing every single ounce of human I have in me not to just slice it open. But ever since I met you, I haven't been holding the quivering razor to my neck, only to my wrists every now and again, but it's not your fault." Tyler spilled out, almost crying.

Josh was speechless, he didn't know what to say, or how to breathe for a few seconds.

"I-I'm so sorry." Was all that managed to slip out of his mouth.

Tyler forced the corners of his lips to go up just a little bit, as he let a small tear roll down his cheek.

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