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Joshua put the letter on Tyler's pillow, to make sure he'd see it. he wiped his tears, and left the dark room. but when he did he immediately started bawling again. he ran out of the house and unknowingly ran straight passed his boyfriend, who stood there in shock. didn't even turn around.


Tyler started to cry, the sky started to rain.

Josh was running as fast as he could, tripping over rocks and other things. he was letting the tears cloud up is eyes and blocking his view of things.

Tyler couldn't even run to Josh, he felt too bad for ignoring the love of his life.

Joshua just ran passed me, and I fucking let him go. how fucking stupid am I? I could've apologized and had him spend the night, so we could've just sleep in each other's arms. but no, I let him go.

Tyler looked up at the sky, tears and rain drops filling his eyes. he then quietly walked into his house.

He/Her»JoshlerWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt