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"I love you, Joshua Dun." Tyler Joseph announced as they were sat on the rock.

"I-I love you too." Josh replied, not expecting that.

Tyler leaned his head on Josh's shoulder, it was a peaceful moment. But of course, all perfect moments are ended by something not so perfect.

Pete Wentz and Brendon Urie both walked up to Tyler and Josh.

"What do we have here? Two gay fags?" Brendon smiled evilly.

"Yeah, apparently." Pete agreed.

"Can't you guys just get a life?" Josh asked, trying to shoo them away.

"Why can't you guys just be normal people?" They asked rhetorically.

"What even is normal?" Tyler spoke up.

"Not you." Pete replied.

"And what makes you normal?" Tyler asked, standing up, obviously getting fed up with this bullshit.

"Awe, look at that, little Tyler is getting mad." Brendon mocked in a baby voice.

That's when Tyler threw a punch at Brendon's nose.

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