Love me harder.

454 37 8

| Ariana's pov |

I'll admit, Ricky didn't tell me there was going to be so many damn people at this performance.

He looked over at me. I rolled my eyes at him.

"What I do?" He asked

"There's over 7 thousand people so scared.YOU DID NOT BOTHER TO TELL ME THAT MUCH" I said , starting yelling at him

he gulped. Turning red


"You'll do fine, and you look amazing tonight, what are you going to sing?"he asked trying to change the subject

"You'll see" I told him.
I looked out of the curtains to see so many people, I didn't see my people though

I panicked

"Where's Frankie, where's Miley where's my dogs where's nonna, mama and -"

"They will be here ari.. Calm down" Ricky said

God I wish Justin was here

I kept rehearsing my lines singing them over and over

If you want to keep me

Oops no too low

If you want to keep me you gotta gotta

Too high pitch.

I had to get this right, perfectly right, because if I messed up lord knows how many people might take pictures and ruin the life that wouldn't exist unless I met Miley and Justin. Sad right.


| justin's pov |

I made it to the place, it was packed and the line was so long, couldn't believe Ariana was going to sing here tonight, she is so shy.

At least I thought. But then again I didn't know my own best friend could sing, I talked about me (all the time) so fucking much and that needs to stop, she's been so dedicated to me it's almost seems like I'm selfish. Fuck I am. This is about Ariana, she deserves all the fame in the world, And tonight that is going to happen. Time for me to be dedicated to her. She's been my number one fan since before I became famous.

|flash back|

Ariana: hey Justin

Me: I smiled, "yah ari"

Ariana: she giggled. "I'll always be your number one fan you know that right"

Me: I chuckled "what are you talking about Ariana"

Ariana: " one day you're going to become famous, and millions of people are going to love you. Not as much as I love you though, I'll always be your number one fan"

Me: i blushed , "I'll hold you to that grande."

| flash back ends|

I smiled at my memory

Time for me to be there for you.

I took off my shades preparing for the worst I walked up towards the building.


His number one fan (jariana fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now