love will remember

213 21 6

Morning time 10:10 am

Three hours until Justin leaves for London

| Ariana pov |

I felt weird. Like something was wrong.

Ricky walked in the door several mins later. He looked so .. Happy and confident like he just did something.

"Hey" Ricky said smiling

"Hey" I said not returning the stunning smile

"What's wrong" he asked getting closer to kiss me

He kissed me,

I gave a disgusted facial expression

" why did you go over Justin's house" I asked him pulling him away

"To talk to him.about big boy stuff."

"What boy stuff" I asked

"You ask a lot of questions."

I felt my back pocket and my phone wasn't there

"Have you seen my phone?" I asked Ricky


I heard a buzzing sound coming from his backpocket

It was my little chirp chirp

I gave  him a look

"Give me the phone Ricky" I said

Ricky backed up..

I walked closer

"Stop what" he asked

"What are you doing with my phone."

The buzzing continued

"GIVE ME THE FUCKING PHONE" I pushed him back causing him to fall back. I grabbed my phone

Messages from





I opened Justin's message first.

My eyes widen as I saw what he sent

{ Justin😍: Ariana. Sorry for ruining your life. I'll stay out of it. Sorry for breaking your heart into pieces you do need a new guy. I thought about it and no. We can't be Bestfriends again. Our friendship? It's too far gone. Least that's what Ricky said. So here I am listening to that prick. Ironic right haha.. Don't bother texting this number back ..I'm getting a new phone and.. I'm gonna go to London with Khalil to perform and chill over there for a while. so I'll be at the airport waiting for my plane. Don't try to find me ( I know you won't try it's okay though) Once again. I'm sorry for being the worst ex boyfriend in the world.
Sorry for not being there when you needed me the most. Losing a baby we never got to know Is so hard. Love you Ariana always will. I adore're my everything. You're all that matters to me and I wish I could have loved you harder.}

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