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-Third Person's Point of View-

The lads of One Direction were currently on stage, beginning to sing their newest single, Drag Me Down.

Harry coughed in his fist as he waited for his cue to begin singing his lyrics.

"I've got a fire for a heart, I'm not scared of the dark, you've never seen it look so easy," he started singing, pausing for a moment to cough. Harry had been coughing during the entire concert, and beforehand as well. "I got a river for soul, and baby you're a boat, baby you're my only reason."

Harry sang the last few words in the midst of coughing.

It was obvious his endless coughing was sending the fans into a frenzy, and concerning the other three members.

The other boys, as they sang, sent glances at Harry who hunched over coughing, straightening up to sing again.

"If I didn't have you there'd be nothing left, the shell of a man who could never be his best. If I didn't have you, I'd never see the sun. You taught me how to be someone," he sang, still coughing.

The other boys sang and when it came time for Harry to sing his long notes in the chorus, he couldn't, due to nonstop hacking.

A security member tossed a water bottle near Harry, who instantly reached down to scoop it up.

He quickly twisted the cap, and took a drink. It seemed to sooth his cough, but Harry couldn't seem to catch his breath long enough.

They were in the middle of another song and Harry had a short second to catch his breath but couldn't, Louis thankfully noticing, taking over for Harry just long enough for him to take a breath.

A little while later in the concert, Liam noticed how badly Harry was wheezing and how hoarse his voice was whenever he talked. Liam thought it was from all the coughing he was doing.

Liam knew Harry wasn't feeling good, he hadn't been feeling well for a while, and he knew it took guts to perform when not feeling well.

Harry was having a hard time breathing again. He weakly grabbed his water bottle and took a swig, but spit it all over stage when a major cough took over his body.

Harry tasted a copper flavor in his mouth and noticed on the stage a red liquid that belonged to the taste in his mouth.

He couldn't dwell on it much, for he started coughing up blood so hard, he fell over, right on stage.

Many, many audible gasps filled the stadium and fans started screaming. Security made their way over to the coughing boy, as did the rest of the band and their guitarists, drummer, and pianist.

"Harry, Harry, an ambulance is coming lad," a member of their team said to Harry.

Louis' heart clenched painfully, staring at his lover who couldn't seem to catch his breath. It looked like he was having an asthma attack, but it wasn't that. Someone had given Harry his inhaler, but it didn't do anything.

"Should we move him?" Louis heard someone call.

"No, he's struggling to breathe as it is, moving him will only make it worse," someone else called back.

"Lou," Harry wheezed out. Louis slowly moved closer, trying to not look suspicious.

He knelt down next to Liam, who was on his knees next to Harry.

Harry had blood covering his lips and his chin from where he was still coughing up blood. There was also some on his shirt.

"I'm here love," Louis whispered quietly. He made sure they were completely surrounded before grabbing Harry's hand, giving it a gentle squeeze.

"Ambulance is here!" Someone yelled. Everyone was forced to move away as several hospital men with a gurney came beside the stage.

"Can you get him down here?" One of the workers called.

They all worked together to help Harry slide off the stage carefully, and then set him on the gurney.

The workers strapped him in before rushing off with him.

Louis, Liam and Niall went behind stage, listening as a member on their team was on stage talking to the fans, apologizing about what was happening, and promising a full refund of their ticket price.

The fans didn't really care at the moment about the show being canceled, but about Harry's wellbeing. Just like everyone else in that building.


Hi guys, so this is the new fic I'm starting once I finish And Green Meets Blue!!

I'm so excited to start it and I've done tons of research to make this medically accurate at possible.

I plan two start this within the timespan of a month.

I love you all very much :* and thank you for everything!!

As a quick shout out, "SHOUT OUT!", to my good friend litlmix_1direction who helped me with the cover design.

Anyways love you all :*


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