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Hey guys, sorry for not updating fast, as per usual, so here's my late Christmas to you!

Happy late Holidays!

(I'm 17 now (12.27 is my bday))

Hope ye enjoy (Inspiration is Daithi de Nogla)

Love you all :*



-Third Person's Point of View-

Harry had finally been released from the hospital. Dr. Harris had brought the clipboard to him with the sign-out papers. Anne had to fill out the papers since Harry had fallen asleep.

"As soon as he wakes up, he can leave," Dr. Harris told Louis, handing him a bottle of prescription medicine for treating Harry's cough. "I've already discussed with your label manager and he's said that since you guys are still on tour and are supposed to be leaving the U.K. here in a week, he'll push back the dates about two weeks. This'll allow the recovery time from the surgery Harry will need. Any questions before you're off?"

Nobody had any questions, so Dr. Harris said, "Alright then. I'll be off. Have a good day everyone." She left the room.

Louis looked at Harry, who was sitting on the bed, "Let's go home."

Harry stood up and went to go lace his fingers with Louis but stopped and frowned.

"What?" Louis asked.

"I can't walk with you," Harry said, walking over to his mum, throwing his arm over her shoulder as she wrapped her arm around him.

Louis realized what Harry had meant, so he decided to just keep walking with Lottie.

Everyone walked out of the hospital together, as to not raise speculation.

Despite the fact that the young couple were allowed to come out, graciously thanks to a new management, they didn't want to spoil the day they had previously planned to.

"Just a little longer bub," Lottie said to her older brother.

"Will it be though?" Louis asked. Lottie said nothing but laced her hands with her brother's in support. She knew there would be some dumb article stating "Louis Tomlinson Spotted Holding Hands With New Beauty". She hated "news" inquiries.


A little while later, everyone found themselves in Harry and Louis' home. Despite the obvious elephant in the room, nobody said anything about it.

Harry and Louis were cuddled up together on the love seat. Harry was lying down on the couch with his knees up as he rested the back of his head against Louis' lap. For a long period of time, Louis had his hand against Harry's cheek, stroking softly, and they both just stared into the other's eyes.

Their family chatted with each other, but left them alone. It didn't need to be said that they needed a precious moment together. Things had been hectic for the two young lovers and everyone agreed that they needed some sort of alone time.

When Harry and Louis left their world, the topic of food was being mentioned. (A/N: just fyi, if I write 'Lui' instead of 'Louis', just don't point it out please lol. I'm watching H2O Delirious GTA as I'm writing this and Lui Calibre is in most of them and it's pronounced Lou-ee same as Louis. Just to clarify).

"What if we just ordered pizza?" Niall said.

Harry told everyone, "I could cook, if you want." The majority of the room disagreed with that. Harry rolled his eyes and sat up and looked around the room, formulating ideas on how to mention the tension.

"Look, I know this situation isn't ideal right now, I get that, but I am not incapable. I can still do normal, everyday things. Yes, maybe in a few months I may not be able to. But for right now, I want to appreciate the fact that I can. So please, if you guys want something that can't be ordered, I am fully capable of making it. Don't be afraid to ask," Harry ranted, and just like that, the tense feeling of the room was lifted.

"What about a good ol' pot of chicken and noodles?" Louis asked. Nobody disagreed. Harry smiled and said he would make it.

"Mashed potatoes with it? Maybe a veggie and some rolls?" Harry questioned.

"Green beans!" Niall yelled. Everybody just blanked stared at the blond lad. "What? I like green beans."

Anne laughed, "Oh Niall dear, you sure are funny."

"We actually don't have green beans, or potatoes," Harry commented. "Lou, can you run to the store?"

Louis, as he was standing up, nodded his head yes to the question. Harry walked into the kitchen to get everything out and shortly after, Louis made his way into the kitchen.

He looked at Harry and asked, "Anything else you'll need?"

Harry looked at Louis cheekily and pulled the older lad closer to him. He suggested, "A kiss maybe?"

Louis shook his head fondly and pressed his lips to Harry's firmly. They kissed for a few minutes before pulling away, their breathing slightly heavy.

"Be safe," Harry told Louis, kissing him quickly once more.

"Always am. Love you," Louis said, beginning to walk out of the kitchen.

"Love you too," Harry responded. With a last smile, Louis walked out of the house.

The kitchen door opened again, this time Harry's mum entered.

"You want some help, love?" Anne offered.

Harry nodded, "That'd be great Mum. Could you start the noodles?"

"Of course," she replied.


After an hour or so, Harry and Anne were able to finish the meal.

They set up the table real pretty like and placed all of the food dishes on the table.

"Come eat guys," Harry called from the dining room. Harry laughed as the sounds of feet pittering across the floor was heard. Soon all nine people were sitting at the table. They were one chair short, so Louis just sat on Harry's lap.

"This is good guys," Louis said, turning to Harry. "Not that I expected anything less from you and your mum."

Everyone else, mouths full with food, made noises of agreements, causing the two who cooked it to laugh.

"I think we need a toast," Gemma said, standing up.

"For what?" Lottie asked, mouth stuffed full.

Gemma smiled at Harry and replied, "For my little brother and his health. We're undergoing a tough time right now, but if we all remain strong, hopefully you will too."

"For Harry!" They all chanted, clinking their glasses, of water, together. 

There's No Need To Be Afraid (A Larry Story)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant