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Hi loves! Welcome to the first official update of TNNTBA, well, since I've postponed it.

This whole chapter is a mix of different flashbacks, that's why it may seem choppy and out of place from the previous chapters.

I don't know when the next chapter will be up, but i'll aim for the next two weeks as per usual.

I hope you all enjoy, and I love you all :*

xx-Mystery-xx (Oh and i changed my @/ name. i was HazzatheMystery and now i'm larryflavordsheerios)


-Third Person's Point of View-

It's currently been about a year since One Direction left the X-Factor competition, pulling an amazing third place rank. Right now, the boys were on their Up All Night tour, and all of them are enjoying it tremendously.

Harry was resting on the couch in his and Louis' shared living room, scrolling through random notifications on his phone, most being people wanting him to follow them. He wasn't going to. He finds that rude and disrespectful. Not to mention, annoying. If you want a follow, do something to earn one. Don't be that annoying brat who just wants to put in their Twitter bio, "OMG HARRY FOLLOWS ME!!1!11". Every now and then he'll do a follow spree, however, sending out a tweet to ask people to do something for a follow.

The television, that Harry had on for the sound (actually it was because it was dark outside, he was alone in the house, and he was scared) turned off.

"I've been trying to get your attention for minutes now," The now nineteen year old announced when he finally grabbed Harry's attention from his phone.

"I'm sorry, I didn't know you got back," Harry apologised. Louis snorted and sat down beside him.

"That's because you had your nose in your phone," He commented, throwing his arm over Harry's shoulder and pulling him closer.

Harry said nothing in reply, but decided to accept the embrace Louis was giving him.

"Did you eat?" Louis suddenly asked. The question caused a rumble to erupt from Harry's stomach, signifying that he in fact, hadn't eaten yet. "Haz, it's almost ten, how come you haven't eaten?"

"Just wasn't hungry then," Harry replied, standing up to head to the kitchen. "You want a cuppa?"

"Please?" Louis called.

The real reason why Harry was escaping into the kitchen was to calm the unnecessary amount of butterflies he had in his stomach. For a while now, every time Louis touched Harry, or called him a sweet name, butterflies would swarm the inside of Harry's stomach. Harry would always get some weird thoughts in his head too, about Louis. Sometimes they were saying Louis was cute. Other times it was how much Harry would like to kiss him.

Either way, the feelings scared Harry. He knows the feelings all to well, but it's weird because it's Louis.

As Harry prepared himself a sandwich and Louis a cup of tea, he decided to just ignore the feelings. They weren't important. Or so he thought.


A couple of months later, Harry's still getting feelings for Louis, and the urge to kiss the slightly older lad just keeps getting stronger and stronger. Backstage, during one of their rehearsals, Harry and Louis, as usual, were messing about.

There's No Need To Be Afraid (A Larry Story)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora