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Okay, before you get your panties in a wad, nothing in this is word for word or action for action.

Im so excited to finally start this, have been for a while now. But Ive just gotten out of my writers block, thankfully.


I hope you all enjoy!



-Third Person's Point of View-

Harry ruffled his hair, the dark brown curly mass, and pursed his lips, looking into his mirror, checking his outfit.

Today was the day of the X-Factor auditions and it would be an understatement to say he was nervous. Nervous just doesn't explain the swarm of what some would call butterflies in his stomach and taking over his entire body.

Harry thought of himself as a decent singer. He knew he could carry a tune, that was for sure, but he never thought of himself as the type to be able to be known for his voice all across the world.

Harry's family and friends of course told him he was a super amazing singer and could definitely get famous with his voice.

But, Harry just didn't believe he had it in him.

Suddenly a knock rang out on his door, his mum appearing.

"Time to go love," she said softly. "I'm wanting to get a few pictures in before we leave."

As soon as Harry signed up for the auditions, his mum made his family and friends shirts saying they think he has what it takes. Harry finds the shirt ridiculous and personally wants to burn them, but it's his family and they love to embarrass him.

He'll just have to suck it up he guesses.

Finally an hour later they were at the building.

The nerves were starting to encase Harry, and he worriedly bit his lip.

"I don't know about this anymore," he said.

"You'll do fine lovely," Anne told him with a smile, everyone else nodding in agreement.

Harry sighed and nodded, telling himself he could do it.

Harry and his family made their way out of the van and followed Harry to the check in table.

He smiled as he was handed the sticker with his number on it. 165998.

He placed it on the stomach of his green polo and walked into the building, his nerves, for some unknown reason, settling down.


Louis was doing little dances in his room. Trying to calm his nerves down.

He was nervous, massively nervous. His X-Factor auditions were today and he knew he was gonna suck. He knew it.

"Louis William! We have to gooooo!" Jay, Louis' mother, yelled.

"Alright!" He yelled back, and quickly ran downstairs, meeting his family in the living room.

"My boy, make me proud today yeah?" She said. Louis smiled and weakly nodded. He was gonna let her down and that was for sure.

After a terribly long car ride with several arguments of "you're gonna do great" "no I'm not" and a bit of "talking like that you aren't".

There's No Need To Be Afraid (A Larry Story)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt