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I'm so sorry for not having an update last week. Basically my father came up on Friday and I was procrastinating (#mylife) writing this. Usually I write the chapters on Thursday and edit them on Friday and then update them about 5:00 pm my time. (Eastern TimeZone)

But since he came up, and I had to do research for this chapter, I got nothing done.

So sort of a longer chapter to make it up. 500 words more.

I update this on Fridays and it's 11:30 pm my time. So it's still Friday.

Love you all :*

Stay amazing !!



-Third Person's Point of View-

The workers rushed to get the young curly haired singer into the ambulance.

None of the men had an idea of what was wrong with him, they just knew what his symptoms were.

"Get him in, let's go," One of the men named Aaron yelled.

Once the doors to the ambulance were closed, a woman named Brittany jumped into the driver's seat and flicked on the sirens before pulling out of the parking lot.

"Come on come on," she mumbled. She knew who he was. He was her daughter's favorite in the band of One Direction. And her daughter is currently in the audience.

And she'll be damned if she disappoints her only daughter.


Louis was panicking behind the stage. He had to watch his lover collapse after coughing up blood, on stage.

It was even worse watching the ambulance men load him up on a gurney and rushing off with him.

The fans screams at the scene didn't help Louis' aching heart any.

"Lads!" a member of their team, George, yelled.

All of the remaining three members walk over to where he stood.

"Do you think you can sing without him?" George asked. Louis shrugged and shook his head no.

Niall said, "His voice is the main part of our choruses. Harry fills in what we can't."

"I agree," Liam said.

"Alright, I'll go tell Max and he'll tell the fans," George said, walking off.

Louis just stared at his retreating form. Tears were welling up in his eyes. Niall noticed and made his way over to Louis.

As soon as Niall had his arms wrapped around Louis, and Louis' head was on his shoulder, his nose pressed to his neck, Louis was crying.

He wasn't sobbing uncontrollably, or to the point he was hyperventilating. There's was just a few tears dripping every passing second.

Louis kept quiet except for a few deep sighs of breath every now and then.

Liam, Lou, Lottie and a few other (female) members joined the hug, the only one crying was Louis. Not even Gemma who had came backstage from being in the audience.

"Do you think he's okay?" Louis finally asked, pulling away and wiping his tears.

"I'm sure he's doing alright love," Lou said, wiping away the remaining tears from his cheeks.

"Yeah, bub, he's in the hands of the hospital now," Lottie comforted. Louis smiled at the two females and then wrapped an arm around Lottie's shoulders, pulling her close and kissing her cheek appreciatively.

There's No Need To Be Afraid (A Larry Story)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ