Chapter Five.

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The sky is still highlighted in pink and orange as I walk outside. The ocean air is magnificent, so I take a big breath. Its the perfect day to take photography.

I trudge through the sand, until I feel I have the appropriate angle. I snap a few shots of sky and water, and watch as a crab crawls down the beach. Its so serene out here, and I feel great, except for the fact that I am constantly thinking about Calvin.

What does he think of me? Is he even still interested? Why should I care? He probably already has a girlfriend. Don't be stupid, it was only last night. Yeah, but he's hot, and news travels fast in Riverton.

These thoughts are torturing me, and I have no answers to any of my questions. I shouldn't care that much about what Calvin thinks, or if he has a new girlfriend or not, but I do. I really, really do. I considered going down to the cave again, to see if he's there, but its only six in the morning. Only weirdos like me are awake.

I'm completely surrounded by myself, and that's just who I would like to get away from right now. Annoyingly enough, that's impossible. Shaking off all the sand, I start to stroll down the beach, taking in all the scenery. My memory flashes back to last night, returning to when Calvin inched closer to me as we walked. I feel this longing in my heart, and all I want right now is for him to stand next to me, and smile. His cute dimples would appear, and I'd be entranced by the glittery green of his eyes.

Woah, Nelly. I'm going nutso. Who am I? Am I really Sunshine Collins, the girl who refuses to let any boy take her heart? Even a beautiful green-eyed stud, with an uncanny ability of making my heart pound?

Yes, you are Sunshine Collins. My brain says. And you've finally met your match. Do you really think he's going to let you slip away? Think again, sissy.

I feel sick to my stomach. Do I want to slip away from him? Do I really? Because I get this horrible feeling in my chest when I even think about him flirting with anyone else. I even imagine ripping out all of the girl's hair after he does so.

Someone's running down the beach, and I feel my heart skip a beat. Its a guy, and I know it has to be Calvin. My mind races with all kinds of apologies, questions, but mostly, I just think about kissing him.

The person zips by, but its just some random person who I can't even think of their name right now. It doesn't matter. I've felt the most epic disappointment of my life. I feel completely stupid, like that person could hear me going gaga over this boy who I thought they were. All I want to do now is turn around right now and go home. I'd turn on the Notebook, eat some (okay, a lot) ice cream, and cry. I want to punch myself in the throat, because now I realize: I want him. I want him really, really bad, and I probably messed it up, big time.

I get to the cave, but instead of going in, I just sit there, right outside the opening. There's no way I'm going back to the scene of my crime. Laying my head on my knees, I close my eyes. My massive amount of curls falls over my shoulders, completely hiding both sides of my face. I feel alone, and sad. The tears well up in my eyes, and the sobs start to come... Until I hear someone sit next to me.

"Hey, you okay? You ran out awful fast last night."

My head snaps up, and I look into those fabulous eyes. "Why the heck are you here?" I internally kick myself. "I mean, I thought you'd be somewhere else..."

"With someone else?" He grins, and its sarcastic, adorable, and smug all at the same time. "Did you really think I was going to leave you alone after you got scared of me last night? I forgot to tell you, the scared, broken hearted girl doesn't turn me away either. In fact, it just makes the challenge of winning her heart that much more interesting."

"Oh, so you've done this before? You realize how traumatizing this is to me?" I snap.

His smile kind of falters. "Well, to be honest, this is all theory I'm speaking. I've never chased after a broken hearted girl, not seriously that is. This is the first time I've ever taken a serious liking to a girl. And naturally, I'm not going to let any conditions make an excuse for her to escape me. You see Sunshine, I like you, a lot more than you think I do. And there's no way, no way on earth that you're going to get away that easily."

I wish I could tell you I'm not crying, but I am. I feel like I'm in the cheesiest romantic movie ever, but I honestly don't care. Not when his arms are slipping around me, and especially not when his lips are pressed against the top of my head. "You're pretty legitimate about this, aren't you?"

"I wouldn't have even spoken to you if I wasn't."

"The last time I was serious about someone, he left me in the sand with just his footprints. You do that, and I might consider murder," I joke.

"I'm a guy, but I'm honestly not as stupid as to leave a girl as beautiful, and endearing as you. Sunshine, I want to get to know you for the girl you are, and I don't plan on leaving you. Ever."

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