hey its a gemsona

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Lace Agate!!!

I thought of her while trying to go to bed last night

She's really delicate and shy and quiet like lace

But she's also super loyal and a beast in battle

Her fusion dance is sorta like a ballroom dance

Her weapon is good for close combat but is also super light bc she's not very heavy-lifting type of strong

Her hair was longer when I thought of her but I wanted it shorter

She's also had a very big fascination with fusion but never really could study it bc it was seen as only a battle strategy

She worked with blue diamond before the garnet "incident"

She's been neutral ever since but never knew how to remove the diamond symbol

Also she can jump really high

This is like my third try drawing her and it's actually decent lmao

I'm gonna post stuff I was supposed to yesterday but I took a nap lol

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