smol rant???

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I think I've figured out why a lot of the writing on this is so.. bad.

Most writers on wattpad don't know how to write characters.

In writing, you have to give the audience some time to like your character, to relate to them, to care what happens to them

This is why I don't like to put my character through anything life threatening until at least the second or third chapter.

You want to give your character an abusive parent? Fine, that's okay. But the audience isn't going to care about your character unless we see some likeable traits. Don't immediately start with the abusive parent.

Speaking of abuse, if you're going to put your character through something like that, give them the proper effects. Someone who has been abused (especially for a long amount of time) isn't just going to walk away with just puffy eyes and a little bit of depression. They're probably going to have severe depression, anxiety disorders, eating disorders, absolute lack of confidence, low self-esteem etc., depending on the severity of the abuse.

Giving your characters the proper emotional reaction to something is super important to making a good story.

I think this is the hardest for people who write sci-fi/fantasy/any kind of writing where the characters experience something they couldn't experience in real life.

You also have to remember that everyone copes differently. Not everyone copes with self-harm and tears. One of my characters cope with anger, spite, and revenge, which is something that I think suits her character well.

Some people may cope with humor, by distancing themselves from everybody, or just shutting down completely. Everyone cries at some point, but by giving your character a unique way to cope will make your character stand out.

Thank you for reading all of this, if you have. I just really wanted to talk about this.

Sparkle Magic Art [3]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora