dark jk rowling show me scorbus

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I feel betrayed,,,

Albus and Scorpius were definitely NOT FRIENDS

The romantic attraction between these two was so obvious my heart is physically aching

I'm not trying to hate on Scorose, in fact I thought it was cute before I read The Cursed Child, but Scorbus was absolutely well on its way to becoming canon and then they enforce some stupid crush that Scorpius has on Rose even though she hates him and it's just TERRIBLE

I feel absolutely disappointed that this wasn't canon. I have lots of evidence that they had romantic feelings for each other. This wasn't """strong friendship""" this was romance.

I probably sound like a butthurt kid but this really hurt me??? Let me suffer in Harry potter hell this fandom is so goddamn straight it hurts

I've only got like,,, two ships that aren't straight please help me

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