pokémon go

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I'm pretty sure Spark, Blanche, and Candela are blank slates and have no personality but I have lots of headcanons for them anyways

Spark is the jokester,,, always making puns and referencing memes. But he's also kind of oblivious sometimes. He's a cinnamon roll. Very kind. A Hufflepuff.

Blanche is the Serious Anime Character™. She's a demigirl. Looks like she could snap your neck, and she probably could, but she probably wouldn't unless you really make her mad (for example,, hurting her friends badly). Is actually a big softie. Slytherin.

Candela is Spark's partner in memes. She is also very gay. Also has a nice singing voice and uses the flower crown filter on snapchat a lot. Takes a lot of group selfies, mostly of them doing weird poses. Definitely a Gryffindor.

They look like they hate each other but really they're best friends.

Now I wanna make teams for these guys ((but only pkmn from the kanto region bc I think pkmn go only has kanto pkmn))

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