Dear Society, Nothing.

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Dear Society,

Why do people think that they need to praise you, make you happy? What have you done for us other than make us feel like we are nothing in this world? What have you showed us that can actually help someone? Nothing. You did nothing, nothing that makes me think that I should reward you, but I do and so many other people too. You have showed me and all of my friends nothing that can possibly help us anywhere in the future. But we still act like we are the puppets and you are the master.

What makes you power over us, makes us think that we are nothing compared to you? Nothing. You do nothing, but we still feel like if we misstep we will fall into a sinkhole. A sinkhole of endless thoughts that only push us down even farther until we can't get up, until we can't breath, until we can't see the light.

What gave you the authority of calling people out? Nothing. So far, that's the answer to a lot of questions. But you still have not given me an answer. So once you figure it out, give me a call. But I doubt you will, because all you can do is judge people, but not yourself. So why don't you take a step back, get your act together, and give me a real answer.


Little Me

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