Dear Society, What you have taught me.

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Dear Society,

I have learned many things over my lifetime. But most of what I had learned came form you. I have learned about race, ethnicity, sexism and so much more. And out of that learning, I have found out that every single one of those words are just labels. Something to put on someone when they are born.

When you are born, you either white, or black, Mexican or Puerto Rican, German or French. You are christian, jewish, atheist or more. You are either boy or girl. You will never be a human being, you are the body you were born with.

Your body is like a car, but one that you don't get to test drive. It's one that once you get it you keep it. But while I drive my real car, you don't label me on that. And once I got from car to body, suddenly I'm white, I'm a catholic, and I'm a girl. And all I'm wondering is, why would you judge me on my own car I'm stuck with, and not the car that I can replace like that? No, I'm not saying I hate my body, all I'm saying is, why are you labeling, judging me on what you see, why not get to know me first before you start to jump to conclusions?

I don't want to be stuck with a label, I want to be stuck with being myself.


Little Me

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