Dear Society, Ruined.

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Dear Society,

You've rendered me speechless once again. I knew you could stoop low, but not to this length.

When I was younger, I always looked up to my peers, who I thought, were unaffected by your powers. But once I grew older, I realized they were just like robots, following everything you do. I realized once again, that we are the puppets and you are the master.

Now I'm sad to call certain people my friends because they are powerless followers. They bully each other, they tell them what they can and cannot do. And people believe them. They believe them because, for the longest time, they told the truth. But now, being manipulated by you, they can't tell what is real and what is not. So, they follow you. Because you bully them too. You tell them that if they don't do this or don't do that, they are just as ugly as the rest of them. And they start to believe you, because they have nothing else to believe except that doubt in their head. The doubt that you might be lying, but that goes away the second they hear that if they do as your say, they'll become popular, loved. As if they aren't already.

You have ruined some of my friends. You told them lies, you told them they weren't pretty enough. And they believed you. So, are you happy now? Are you happy that you're the one that caused so many people sorrow? 'Cause if you are, don't be. You don't know the pain that comes when you hear one of your best friends just killed herself because of the things you said. You don't know how hard it is too see your friends cry because they think they are worthless.

Just so you know, some people look up to you, they actually see the good in you. So, the next time you think of putting somebody down, think about the kids. The kids that you're showing how to be a bully. How to be a murderer.


Little Me

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