Dear Society, Why?

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Dear Society,

Why do you tell people to be themselves, then judge them? Why do you have to be so picky on what's pretty, what's ugly, whats normal, whats weird, and what's everything? Why can't you let people be themselves, have fun, and not make them feel that if they try to be them they will get hurt? Hurt by who? Hurt by every single one of your followers. The ones that think that if they have ugg boots their cool, or if they wear leggings every day, they will be more liked. Those ones.

Or why do you have so many beauty standards when you're just the ugly one? Or make us not eat because you are too self conscious about your body when 'you' don't even exist? Or make us buy $100 clothes so we will be up to date with the latest standards? Why? It's a simple question that nobody seems to be able to answer.


Little Me

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