we're together

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Not my photo just change the hair to blue plus here's a fluff to make up for the last chapter.

First POV

Mark and Jack were both highschool students at the same school the only difference was Mark was a senior, and Jack was a junior but that did not stop them from dating. No one in the school knew about them no even knew Mark was gay, expect for Felix Jack's best friend, and Bob and wade Mark's best friends just incase it did not work out they had only been to gather for 3 mouths. Mark was considered as the school jock that all the girls wanted to date, but Jack was considered as the gay, loser who would rather study than have fun. Which meant that he was bullied a lot.

Well it was just a normal, boring school day every one was eating lunch, Jack was already sitting at a table by him self saving a set for Mark as usual (every one thought they were just friends) and Mark was in the lunch line getting food. When Jack was grabbed by the back of his shirt and put up at the front of the cafeteria on the stage were everyone could. The people who brought him up there were the usual jocks that would pick on him, they threw him on the stage and got up there with him "what the hell am I up here for?" with out saying anything one of the guys (Jake) punched him square on the nose. Jack stumbled back covering his nose as it started to bleed. Everyone in the cafeteria stop and looked at the show up on stage. "Why not, your turn" he pointed to one of his friends and they grabbed Jack's hair and pulled him to the ground and kicked his side's, Jack tried to stand but was kick each time.

Mark finally got out of the line to see Jack was not at his table he then looked at the stage to see Jack getting the shit beat out of him he sat his tray on a random table and ran up to the ground "WHAT THE HELL ARE Y'ALL DOING TO HIM!" Mark said hopping on the stage he grabbed Jake's shoulder turning him around, and punching him on the jaw. The other friend backed off and went to Jake Mark when down to the ground, Jack slowly sat up his nose was bloody and he had a black eye, Mark wiped the blood with his sleeve "why are you caring for that little twerp, let us finish him off" this angered Mark he clinched his fist, stood up walk, over to Jake grabbed his shoulder and hit him square in nose knocking him of the stage and on to the cafeteria floor. "Because.." Jack had now limped over to mark only to be turn and have his lips collide with Mark's in a passionate kiss. The cafeteria was silent expect for the one or two sequels from random girls, and one person saying "SEPTIPLIER AWAY!" you could of heard a pen drop jaws were almost at the floor, Mark pulled away from the kiss and hugged Jack close "he's my boyfriend, and know ones going to hurt him"

For the rest of the year no one messed with jack expect for the few stupid people that would soon after receive a nice pop in the jaw. Even though everyone knew they were together girls still try to hit on Mark with which he replied while hugging Jack close "we're together".

Septiplier One Shots (Discontinued)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن