the video

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Btw I'm no longer going to be doing the order fluff smut fluff smut I will be just posting what ever k

Btw imagine the song is acoustic I couldn't find a version like that of this song so just us imagination

Don't play the song until I say!!!!

(Mark's POV)

I was sitting down on the floor with the camera facing I had just finished playing my guitar and singing a song, for who and why you may ask is well a long story but I guess I can find a way to make it short. My ex-boyfriend Jack, yes Jack as in the amazing, most wonderful, most handsome, blue eyed Irish YouTuber in the world Jacksepticeye, yes he is my ex and that pains me to think we had been together for 4 years and everything was great until he decided he wanted to back to Ireland. At first we were just bickering over how I didn't want to move to Ireland, the as the days went on getting closer to the day Jack was to go back those little bickering moments would turn into full fledged arguments till we... well, he decided that it would be best that we didn't see each other any more. We stayed friends and we still are but sadly my heart still yearns for him.

I was making this video singing a song in hopes to post it and get him back 'Mark what are you doing you can't just make a video of you sing some song and expect him to come back' I thought in my head I was debating on where to post this video and my fears and worrying getting the better I decided to not post the video "hey Mark?" I jumped when my name was called I turned to look at my door way to see wade standing there "what are you doing in the floor with a guitar at 2:30 in the morning?" Wade and Bob are staying over for a few days for pax. Wade, Bob, Jack and I all have a panel and signing to do, "I-I umm" he was starting at me me with a funny look "I don't know why you don't just talk to him" I blushed a light pink "t-talk to him who's him I have no idea what your talking about" I said while standing up and putting my guitar up against the wall "Mark don't play dumb, thats my job" I gave out a forced laugh to try to cover up my embarrassment "you can make all the videos you want put if you don't show him there useless" "y-yeah I know" I said while rubbing the back if my neck "if I wasn't so tired and we didn't have to go to pax tomorrow I would talk about this more but we do so I'm going back to bed and you should probably do the same" he said as he turned back around and began to walk to his room "goodnight mark" he said then you could here him shut his bedroom door "he's right I should get some sleep" I yawned realising how tried I was. I turned off the light and plopped on my bed.

(Wade's POV)

'It's not going to do him any good if he doesn't at least talk to him and he's been so sad ever since the break I wish I could help... Wait I know how I can help' I tiptoed into his room to see him asleep I grabbed the SD card from his camera a ran back into my room I put it into my laptop and began to edit that song he just sang and put the file of the video in a flash drive ' if this is the only way Jack will see this video than so be it Mark need the closer of what Jack will say '

(The next day)

(Mark's POV)

I woke up to the annoying sound of my alarm a lazily got out of bed and went to get dressed.

After I got dressed I went down stairs excepting to be the only one up but was surprised to see Wade and Bob already up "morning" Wade said happily "hey"

(Time skip to them arriving at Pax)

(Mark's POV)

We arrived at Pax we parked at the back of the building in the reserved spots they had for us and we got out of the car and as we were walking to the door a taxi pulled up and a familiar Irish man can out if it "thank you" he said to whom I assumed was the driver as he paid them and they drove off. He stood up straight to show his newly dyed green hair he looked over in our direction and we made eye contact I blushed a light pink, then wade decided that it was a good idea to call him over right now "hey Jack over here!" I elbowed him "ow what was that for" I gave him a look "oh you know why" next thing I knew Jack was next to me "hey guys" he said in that lovely Irish accent "well let's go in" Bob said. As we entered we were instructed to go ahead and head back stage for the panel. the first panel of the day when we were back there putting on our microphones Bob and Wade had to leave to do something "hey me and Bob have to go do something be right back" and before me or Jack could ask why they ran off, leaving me and Jack alone in an awkward silence.

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