A/N :( sad dream

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Man I'm sad today all because of a stupid dream

(Ps. I'm in the process of writing a one shot)

What my dream was is

I was at Pax idk which one but it was Pax and me and my parents were walking around looking for signing places to meet Mark and Jack on top of just looking around when we look over and Mark is standing a few feet in front of us. My parents convince me to say hi so when I go up to him when I go to say hi he pushes me away says "no" and walks off before I could say anything, so I'm already sad about that but in my dream I say like "maybe it's because we're just out in the open I'll say hi at signing". So then my dream magically makes it where people are in lines talking to Mark and Jack lucky for me I get to more of the front of the line (probably because it was my dream) and when I finally get up to talk to him he says "why are you here, no" I stand there heart broken I try to show him the gift that I made for him, he takes it then throws it on the ground and shoo's me off and goes to the next person takes a picture with them and talks when all I wanted to do was say hi.

Needless to say I woke up in tears and my heart hurt on top of that it's pouring rain outside and I usually love the rain.

Anyways just wanted to ramble thanks for listening if you did bye!

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