Dance Teacher

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This guy's video are so much fun to watch I wish I had him as my dance teacher

The Fitness Marshall

Anyway this is the dance they are doing so just so you can see

(First POV)

"Pull your arms in and out in and out sway your hips to the music, KATHY! JULIE! STOP TALKING THIS IS THE EASY PART AND YOUR MESSING UP!" Jack yelled to the two girls at the back of the class "SPEED IT UP IN, 4,3,2,1!" all the girls in his class sped up the dance moves "I BETTER SEE A POP WHEN YOUR ARMS GO OUT! NOW SHAKE, PULL, SHAKE, PULL, STEP BACK STEP BACK!! HIPS, HIPS, HIPS, REPEAT!" He yelled a little loud over the music "SPEED IT UP!!" everyone did that expect a few in the back who had stopped completely "STOP THE MUSIC!!" Jack yell causing the music and all the dancers to stop. He pinched the bridge of his nose "great job girls but, I have THREE problems" He said holding a fist then he began to count off "one Kathy, two Julie, and three Sahara, girls don't you realise this us an extra curricular class you don't have to be here and if your not here you get to go to P.E and I don't think Miss Valdez would be to happy to receive three students because of them misbehaveing, now this is your last chance to, SHUT IT! or else that's where you'll be. Now so notes on the dance, more sass! Be a diva! When you move your hips, move your hips! Show the everyone that your proud! The first competition of the year is in two weeks we have to be on point!" after he said a little more a girl raised her hand "yes" "umm I have two questions well ones a question and the other more of a comment" she was one of the more shy students "go ahead" "one can I use the restroom and two I think that man want to talk to you he's been there for a while" Jack turns around to see his handsome husband Mark, people know that he's married but not to who male or female. "Oh umm yes you can go and you what everyone take 5" he said as he walked over to his bag that sat on the bleachers and Mark walked over to him
"hey baby boy" he said in his deep voice "what are you doing here?" Jack said as he grabbed his water out of his bag "no reason just wanted to see you, you look so cute out there shaking your hips to the music I just can't help but stare at your ass" jack turned a dark red "Mark I'm at work" "so" you could hear quite chatter amongst the students "who is he?" "man he's hot" "is he single I wonder" "hotty alert" "I wonder why he's here" all eye a were on the two "they don't know that were together do they" Mark said with devious smirk "no they don't I haven't told them yet" Mark took a step closer to Jack "well there about to" before Jack could give a reply Mark pulled Jack into a dip and kissed him, the motion surprised Jack but he didn't care he put his arms around Mark's neck and depended the kiss, gasp, awe's, and one or two squeals we're heard threw out the group of girls.

After they shared their passionate kiss, they separated for air and the fact that a teacher was showing extreme PDA. Jack looked over to the class to see they all were crowded are the two lovebirds, Jack blushed a deep crimson red from embarrassment he stood up straight and dusted him self off. "So this is who your married to" Jack nodded and so did Mark "I have to ask which one of you is the uke?" Jack turned about every shade of red at the girls question "daisy that a very lewd q-" before he could finish Mark pulled their hips together "Jack's to adorable to be anything but a uke" Jack turned around and hit Mark on the shoulder "Mark really!" all the girls laughed and squealed while Mark chuckled at his husbands embarrassment "plus that's not necessarily true" it was Mark's turn to be red causing Jack to laugh.

(Time skip)

After talking for a few more minutes of talking Jack decided it was time to get back to work "do we have to its fun talking to you guys" the rest of the class nodded "sorry but we can do that" Jack said not wanting to either but it was his job "but this dance it fun girls" Mark said trying to make things less 'meh' "have you tried it?" Mark nodded "who do you think do you think helps him practice before he shows his class" a mostly everyone nodded but again daisy had a question "oh, oh, oh! Can y'all two do the dance together please, please, please!" all eyes were back on the two waiting for an answer "well I don't know If Mark wou-" "I'm fine with it! Lets do it!" Mark grabbed his husbands hand an pulled out to an open space. The entire class crowded around the two but still gave them plenty of space "so are y'all going to do the entire dance?" daisy asked "yes even though you all haven't learned the the end we'll still do it" every one was excited and a few people started to film it.

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