One Night Only

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*Jack's POV*

I had been feeling great since Erica and I cleared the air. The walk to her party felt like a light breeze. It made sense for Lena to pick the place she did. Erica loved small places like that. I remember one of the first places I took her was a small cafe. She looked like a kid in a candy store the whole time we were there. From the open mike nights, to the light jazz they played, she was completely enamored with that place. She was so disappointed when that place shut down, I would've guessed that she knew the entire staff of something.

"You kept them this whole time"  her words from the other day rang in my ear sweetly. I smiled slightly as I held her gift close to me. I had easily decided to give her a stuffed panda since she loved bears. The truth is that I could've gotten  rid of those stupid DVDs she left at my place ages ago, but I think I just liked having something of hers to hold on to. It was as if a piece of her was still lingering with me. Me be that's why it was a little hard to give them back to her. It was as if I had finally set that one piece of her free. I guess it was obvious that I still had feelings for her. I know it's been 2 years but I never stopped thinking about her.

"My feelings for you... They were genuine" I thought if the words I had said to her. "Yeah. Were genuine" I thought to myself. It probably sounds dumb that I still have feelings for her but I still go around hitting on girls all the time. In actuality, all I'm ever doing is trying to find a substitute for what I had with her.

I stopped in front of the restaurant and adjusted my jacket. Just then, I heard people talking nearby. I looked around the corner of the building and saw Erica with that guard dog. I couldn't make out what they were saying, but it was made pretty clear I saw her kiss him. I quietly stepped away. I guess it was pretty foolish of me to get my hopes up. I rammed my hand in my pocket and kicked at some dirt. I made my way back to the front of the restaurant and stopped. I seriously began to doubt my desire to enter. I could just give her that stupid bear in class. I had started in my way when I heard a voice behind me.

"Hey Jack" I heard. I turned and saw Lena.

"Hey Lena. I was only stopping by" I assured her.

"Jack" Erica said rushing up to us.

"Hey" I said trying to hide what was on my mind. Despite that, I couldn't help but notice how amazing she looked. "Happy birthday" I said handing her the panda. She gave me that million dollar smile that I missed every day.

"Thanks. I love it" she thanked me.

"Do you want to stay for a bit" they both asked.

"Sorry wonder twins"  I smirked. "I can't. I'm just passing through" I lied. Erica's smiled lessened a little. "Happy Birthday again. You deserve all the wishes in the world" I said and began walking back down the street. 

*End POV*

"Avi, come on" I whined. "We have to get back to the party" I playfully begged.

"Hold on woman" he said as he pulled me back into his body. "We just made up" he pointed out. "I want to keep you to myself a little longer" he whispered in my ear. I could feel the heat rise in my face. I wriggled free of his grasp a little flustered. Avi could see my nervousness and smiled deviously at me.

"We'll have plenty of time for that later" I said still blushing a little. I grabbed his hand and with fingers laced, we reentered the building. As we walked in, we were greeted by cheers and whistles.

"If the secret about us wasn't out before, it is now" Avi told me.

"That's what happens when you guys make out in front of a window" Alex said aloud and everyone laughed and I looked over to see Lena talking to Jack outside. I wanted to join them but didn't want to upset Avi.

"It's okay " he said. I smiled at him.

"Are you sure" I asked. He kissed my finger tips  and I made made my way to them.

The next morning, I woke up next to Avi in my bed. The two of us still in our clothes from the night before. My hair was messy and my throat was dry. "What day is it" I asked myself still exhausted. I looked over at my desk and took notice of the stuffed panda bear that Jack gave me last night and thought of how things were finally starting to look up for me. I felt like it was a shame that Jack couldn't stay but he did seem to have to have to be somewhere since he was kind of in a rush to leave. I yawned and rolled over to see Avi still sleeping. "He sleeps like a cat sometimes" I thought to myself. I slowly got up and went to the bathroom to change into some sweat pants and my favorite black tank top. I went back to my room and stopped when I saw Avi had awakened.

"Good morning" he said sweetly.

"Good morning" I said back. I laid next to him. He put his arm around me and pulled me close. I took in his essence as he kissed my forehead. I could hear birds chirping outside my window. The sound of idle chatter of my neighbors' kids from outside flowed in. I could have stayed that way forever.

"Erica, I have something I want to ask you" Avi said sitting up slowly and breaking the silence. I had become a little concerned with his tone and sat up shortly after.

"What is it" I asked warily. He paused for a second.

"Erica, will you come with me" he asked. My eyes widened a little."Will you come with me on tour after you graduate" he asked again. In that moment, I could swear my heart had stopped for a few seconds.

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