Taking Chances

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It was quiet at first. I could hear the buzz of the digital clock on the nightstand. "Erica, what are you doing here" Avi finally asked me pushing a lock of my wet hair behind my ear.
I looked down at my shoes which were still soaked.

"I may have helped her with that" Scott raised his hand. He winked at me and I smiled.

"I came here with one mission" I told him. "It's to set things right". I fiddled with my wet jacket and sneezed.

"Let's get her something dry" Kirstie said. I ended up buying a sweat shirt and pants from the hotel gift shop.

"You shouldn't have come here" Avi told me.

"You're glad I did though" I replied. He couldn't hide his smirk. I pulled my black hair back the best I could before it started to poof up.

"You should be in Florida with that dance company" he said sitting next to me on the bed. He began to reach for my hand but stopped himself by placing it under his chin.

"I came here to bring you to your senses" I said quietly. He sighed.

"Erica, I already told you; that part of our lives is-" he said before I cut him off.

"Avi, Shut up" I told him before he could finish. I couldn't bare to him say that word. He didn't say anything. I heard Kevin try to hold in a snicker at my words.I sighed. "Let me start from the beginning" I told everyone.

*2 Days Earlier*

I was sitting in Macs Chemerkovskiy's office the morning after Jack had stopped by. As I sat in front of his desk, I was quietly tapping my foot out of nervousness. I knew what I had to tell him. I knew the risk I was about to take, but I wasn't just doing thing for myself. I was doing this for him.

"Well, Erica, it looks like everything is in order" Macs told me flipping through some sheets of paper "we're very happy that you've decided to stay with us". He said with a smile.I smiled as I folded my hands in my lap. I took a deep breath.

"Macs" I asked before he had a chance to offer me my contract to sign. He looked up from the papers that were on his desk. "My time here has been amazing. I'm very grateful to everyone especially you and Val" I paused. Macs shifted in his seat. " I really couldn't ask for better" I was rambling at this point.

"Erica, Have you changed your mind" he asked. " if you plan on declining our offer-" he began.

"No sir. I just have a request" I told him as I cut him off a little. I swallowed hard. "I would like to transfer to the DWM New York location" I said standing strait. "I would also like a few weeks before I start there if possible" I requested. He didn't respond. All I could hear was the sound of the ticking clock on the wall. "I know it's a lot to ask for" I said breaking the silence. "I know I haven't been here nearly as long as the others and It probably seems like I have a lot of nerve asking for that much" I babbled. Macs was silent for another minute. He removed his glasses. I waited with anticipation.

"What, may I ask, has brought this up" he asked me.

"I recently got back in touch with an old friend and he reminded me of something" I told him.

"Do you still love him" Jack's question sat on my mind.

"With all my heart" I remembered saying to him.

"Does he still love you" he asked a follow up question.

"Yes. I'm sure of it" I recalled telling him.

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