Final Countdown

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"You want me to go with you" I asked in astonishment. He gave me a nervous smile.

"Yeah" he said. I bit my bottom lip. "Listen, with everything that's happened, I've been able to really open my eyes to somethings" he began.

"Avi" I started.

"I know it's a big decision to make" he said before I could finish. "I just don't want us to be separated anymore and it's not because I don't trust you or anything" he continued. "It's because when you love someone the way I love you, you can't stand to be away from them" he finished. Avi scratched the back of his head.

"Yes" I said simply. Avi's eyes widened.

"What" he asked.

"Yes, I'll go with you" I smiled. He put his hands on the sides of my face and kissed me. We stood up and Avi picked me up. I let out a small yelp and the two of us laughed out of happiness. It's true that I was excited. Avi was right; I couldn't stand to be without him and now, I didn't have to be anymore. I knew I would miss seeing Alex, Lena and all my friends, but it wouldn't be forever. It would just be a few months and then I would be back. The wave of relief washed over me but I was interrupted when I felt Avi drop me on my bed. Still laughing, he laid next to me. He played with my hair and I looked up and kissed him deeply. His hands made their way to my back. I rolled myself I top of him and continued to kiss him.

"Avi" I whispered in his ear.

"Yes" he asked playing with the hem of my tank top.

"I'm gonna go make breakfast" I said getting off him and making my way to the kitchen.

"What" he said sitting up. "Are you sure there isn't something else you're hungry for" he asked. I pretended to think about it.

"Nope" I said happily. Avi fell backwards on my bed.

"Woman, you'll be the end of me" he said admitting defeat. I laughed at him and walked out.

"One, two, three, four" I counted as I clapped while Alex and I were rehearsing for the show case. "Layla, on the eighth count, make sure you're standing next to Ben" I directed.
I had recruited a few underclassmen to be our back up dancers to give us more of a unified look. I was so glad that everything was finally looking up. With my final showcase just a few weeks away, I could certainly use the luck. I could finally focus on it and it was really coming together. I had told Lena about Avi's proposal after He and the others had left to get back to work. I sat down and told her to feel free to rent out my room while I was gone. I even offered to send her the money for my half of the rent as an alternative. While she said she would miss me, there was no way she could see herself rooming with somebody else. So she decided that she would just pay the difference until I got back despite my offer. Of course, her first thought was to have a going away party but I insisted that it just be me, her, Alex and even Jack watching movies and eating junk food the night before my departure. It would be just like old times when Alex and I were sophomores and Lena was a freshman. I still lived on campus with a terrible roommate. Alex roomed with Jack that one year and it's actually how I met him, but that's a different story.

The next time we were in class, our own instructor Mr. Phillips had an announcement to make. As soon as he spoke, everyone looked up.

"First of all, I want to say thank you to all the seniors for all your hard work these past couple of months" he began. Layla raised her hand.

"What happens if their final performances don't measure up" she asked.

"Then, they will have no choice but to try again in the winter showcase" he explained. All of us began to look around at each other. Alex and I exchanged looks and he whispered. "Don't worry. We've got this". I gave him a fist-bump. His words of confidence put me a little more at ease.

Somehow, the next three weeks went by very quickly. It was just 2 days before the big show and everyone had decided to go out. All the laughs and glass clinking made me a little emotional. I had spent years with these people and as quickly as they had entered my life, they would exit it. Alex had a dancing gig waiting for him at a local dance company. Jack had auditioned for the same place and was waiting for a response. In the meantime, he had an teaching assistant job teaching kids after school. Lena, of course is still a junior, but was sending her audition tapes to ballet studios.
Then, there was me.

"May I have this dance" I was torn from my thoughts when I saw an extended hand. I looked up and saw Jack. I hesitated at first.

"It's different this time" he joked. I stood from my seat and Jack lead me to the dance floor. "Look, open position" he said as he kept me at a small distance so that we only had our fingers hooked together. I laughed a little. The music began and I moved so that Jack and I were in correct positions.

"I'm glad we were all able to do this tonight" I told him. "I'm really gonna miss seeing you guys every day" I said.

"Those kids are going to run me ragged" he said chuckling.

"You've always been good with kids Jack". I said. "It's one of the things I admired about you" I complimented him. He smiled and he turned red a little.

"Did you find any gigs for after graduation" he asked.

"Oh, I'm actually gonna travel with Avi for a few months"  I told him. Jack didn't say anything. "Jack" I said wondering he had heard me.

"That's great" he said.

"You really think so" I asked due to his pause.

"No" he confessed. "You'll be a million miles away and I'll still be here" he continued.

"It's only for a few months Jack. I'll come back to all of you guys" I explained.

"Yeah, I guess" he sounded a little disappointed.

"What's his deal" I thought.

"I guess I just really thought that we would stick together after graduation" he finally said.

"Oh" I said kind of putting some things together.

"Jack" i said stopping to look him in the eye.

"Whatever, you'll be back in a few months right" he said and smiled weakly.

"But, Jack" I tried to say, but the song had ended.

"Thanks for the dance" he said. I sighed as we went back to our seats. Jack didn't really say much to me for the rest of the evening.

Dance This way: An Avi Kaplan fan fictionWhere stories live. Discover now