*$chool sucks!!!!!!

39 7 2

The picture is of Ashley's best friend Destiny...^^^^^

As I reached home the strong but yet mouthwatering smell of bacon and eggs filled my nose. Wowyyy.. I went upstairs to change for going to school. After a long hot shower I walked out. I smelled of vanilla. I resisted the urge to sniff myself and applied cocoa-butter cream so as to prevent my skin from drying too much. It was always cold over this place so yeah.............
I blowed my hair dry and just left it the way it for it looked pretty that way. I had to cut my long hair. It was too much a bother. I put on my skin-tight jeans and a loose T-shirt that said 'love is gross'. "Ashley your going to be late if your going stay up there much longer", Jeanne's voice yelled down. Jeanne was our maid.
I went downstairs and hugged Jeanne from behind. " Gud morning Ashy.",she said giving me a small kiss on my cheek. Only she called me Ashy and i loved how she called me so. "Morning je, wow!!!!bacon and eggs? Your the best!", i said and started stuffing in. This tasted so good. I finished my breakfast and went down the street to catch the bus just on time.

I went through the hallways ignoring the flirting and morning make-outs going on. " Des!!!!!Ughhhh!!!!!",she was making out with some boy well seemed to be cute geek. "Hey Ash,how do you do?", she said as she turned to face me with an nervous titter. The cute guy whoever he was went away after giving Des a small kiss on her cheek with love and affection. Wait!!!what was i saying? Like mom said there is nothing such as love only physical attraction.
" Earth to Ashley",Des waved a hand before me. "Huh?oh yeah.....what the hell were you doing eating that dork's face?", i asked keeping on an strict face." His name is Jack not 'that dork' ",she said dreamily. " Well pretty much the same. They are all boys",I said giving her a judging-look. "No for once your wrong and I'm right,Ash. He is so perfect!!! And he loves me", she said with an look of victory. " Your so easy Des. There is nothing such as love,idiot",I argued. "No Ash there is true love in this world. Someone out there is made just for you. There will only be one whether he leaves you or he stays forever,just one. A person who makes you complete without whom you are incomplete. He will make you feel that you are the one and only beautiful girl in this world. From whose eyes you can't turn your gaze away. He who makes you feel safe. He who is..................." I didn't get to know anymore 'he who' from Des as the bell rang for the first class. "Gotta go Des will see you at lunch", I said and walked towards my class.

I walked into the class and sat down at the last bench. I wasn't pretty much of a nerd but neither a loser. I was taking down the notes not paying attention to the blah blah teacher. I was thinking about what Des had said..........'someone out there is just made for you.....' I was lost in my thoughts so well that I couldn't hear what Mr.Robert was asking me. I woke from my daydreaming when I got a sharp nudge from Violet who was sitting next to me. " Huh?",I looked up at the flustered face of Mr.Roberts. oh -oh he looked like a flustered chicken. I resisted the urge to laugh at Mr.chicken..sorry Mr. Robert."Miss Martin could you tell me where your attention was?",he asked red in face."ummmm...ummmm well....",I muttered because I hated lies.its not because your an honest person Ashley. Just because you are an idiotic liar my stoooopid inner voice whispered. "Well I was thinking about love, Mr.Robert", I blurted out. Mr.Robert looked at me as if I had asked him for both of his kidneys! Honestly his face was too comical. I could have asked Drake to draw him. Wait Drake? Mr.Robert made an im-watching-you sign to which I gave an im-seeing-you sign. He went back to his lecture while I went back to my memories..... Memories that haunted me.....I had promised mom......................

I appreciate all the comments and votes your giving. It encourages me to write more... Thank ya guyssss!!!!! :)

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