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            I was scared....saying scared was an understatement. Why I was terrified out of my wits. Was I having blood cancer or something? I was so panicked that I had no idea about what to do. I walked out of the toilet sobbing. "Are you okay?",asked a brown haired girl with blue eyes. Not knowing a soul in this new school, my mouth was sealed shut." Oh my god! Im sorry are you dumb?",she asked sarcastically. I shook my head as if to signify a no."Well what is the problem",she asked a bit exasperated. "I.........i think i have blood cancer.",i blurted out. " What",she asked shocked.
              I turned around to show the blood stains on my baby-pink pants. At first she looked at me as if she had seen a ghost but soon she let out an huge guffaw. Though scared and timid i was a bit annoyed in the way she laughed. I narrowed my eyes at her. "You dont know?", she asked after subsiding her laughter. "Know what?", i asked a bit agitated by her actions." Your having your first period dumbo",she said. "Period?", i  asked in utter confusion. " Yup. You ought to know it. Didn't your mom tell you?",she asked. "No", I muttered sadly. She seemed sad with me being sad and said in a gentle voice," Hey don't cry. I'm Destiny and your..". "Ashley". " OK look ,Ashley ,this is not blood cancer. I'll help you",saying so she handed me a pad. She explained how to use it and lent me her pants.
                      After that she explained what was periods for the next 30 minutes. "Got it?", she asked. " Yup", I nodded cheerfully. There was no problem . I wasn't a cancer patient. YOoHoo!! "Umm Destiny ,can we be like.....ummm....friends?", I asked shyly. Her eyes widen and I said," I understand if you don't want to be -",she cut me off by a hug and said,"Really? ". I nodded and she said," best friends forever!


        "How about a Pretty Little Liars marathon?", Destiny asked enthusiastically. I loved PLL so I said yes immediately.
              We were reaching the part where CeCe is identified as A but at the moment Des paused it. " Hey don't pause it",I pouted. "Ashley you got some talking to do,after that", she said firmly. I sighed as I remembered what she wanted to talk about. " I don't wanna talk",I said. "You have to. Please don't hide things from me,Ash,i'm your best friend", she said genuinely. I let out a big sigh and started talking. I told her all about what my mom wanted me to do and everything. And when I finished I was almost touched at the concern she had on her face. I should have let all this out before,because right now I feel so relived that even words won't be able to express it. " Oh my gosh,Ashley! No one should go through all this",she said and leaned forward to envelope me in a hug. That's when I broke down. I broke down completely. I wanted a mom. "I want a mother who loves me,Des. I want to feel motherly love. I need a mom,Des", I said between my sobs. Destiny looked as if she too would cry any moment. She wiped out my tears. " Your mom doesn't deserve your love. You need to give it some one who deserves it and trust me , that somebody will surely come along. You should not break anyone's heart. Because a broken heart is the toughest to repair. Promise me that you won't break anyone's heart",Des said. "But Des.." "No buts! Come on,lets go out for a walk or coffee. It isn't that late.", she said. Trust me when i say that i have the best of best in the whole wide world. But how can i not break a heart.......i need mom.....im confused............


We walked into Apple Grillè and after giving our orders i just lookes around. I just looked around. My eyes met with a pair of eyes which were strangely familiar. Drake! He stared at me and gave me a cocky grin even after the rude way in which i talked with him that morning. He came towards our table. I immediately averted my gaze and looked down. " Hey Destiny",he said. What? He knew her? But how? I mean i thought he was coming to talk to me, but whatever. "Oh hi Drake. Ash,this is Drake, Jack's cousin and Drake this is Ashley, my best friend", she said. Oh-oh Jack is her boyfriend, right...." Hey Ashley",he said in a husky voice which was damn sexy. Wait what? "Ummm...hi Drake", i said looking anywhere but at him. " Join us",said Destiny. Oh no. "Sure", he said and sat down. They began talking about last summer hols and stuff about fun blah blah! Im boreddd. "I'll be right back", Destiny said as she got a call, probably from her dorkey nerd boyfriend, Jack. " Well, it's nice to see you again, Ashley",he said emphasising the word 'again'. "Wish i could say the same", i said with a curt smile. " Rude much?",he asked with a gleam in his eyes. "Nosey much?", i retorted. He seemed amused. " Hmmm... Ashley, nice name",he said genuinely. "Whatever", i said. I wasn't in my best of moods right now. He said no more and took out his phone and started scrolling through it. " Im...ummm...sorry. It's just that im not in a great mood. Sorry being rude in the morning too",i mumbled. "Wow! Are you apologizing? Unbelievable", he said with amusement clear in his eyes. "Can't you see that im making an effort here", i asked him glaring at him. "I can see that, your pride is punctured a bit, but it will do you good. But besides i knew you would apologize to me. Who can stay mad at me for too long?", he asked in a cocky voice. "Yeah right", i said sarcastically. " I need to go to the restroom. Just be back in a sec",i said as i walked towards the toilet.
                     I was coming out when a hand pulled me out through the backdoor. I wanted to scream but i couldn't because a hand muffled my mouth. "You should listen to me when i say so babe. I made it clear that i want you, didn't i?", i saw Ryder in the faint light of the street lamps. He was pushed against me and there was an faint smell of alcohol coming from him. " Let me go",i spat out. "Not soon". He licked my neck while i tried to push him away. Tears flowed freely. I cried out in pain and fear. He started sucking my neck while i tried to push him away. A hand jerked Ryder away from me. I looked up to see a pair of warm brown eyes. " Drake",i mumbled. Drake punched Ryder and began to beat him up, when Ryder ran away from the spot. Drake came to me and picked me up in his arms. I cried and sobbed on. "Shoooooo.....it's alright. He's gone, im here for you", he cooed in my ear. I hugged him and lay my chest and sobbed on. After crying for an infinity and ruining his shirt i muttered a thanks to him. Just then it clicked to me. Men are insensitive beasts. Beware of all of them. I jerked away from him and yelled out," Men are insensitive beasts,including you". I saw a sudden flash of hurt in his eyes and i regretted my words. But the next second i ran from there to home....a home which once taught me how men are inaensitive beasts.......

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