chapter 6

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A/N - laptop was broken couldn't really write chaps and I don't like writing chaps on my phone so yah going to post 2 chapters to make it up.

I got home and it was around 9 pm throughout that car journey I had been replaying the events that had occurred In the past 24hours and to think these are the people I chill with.

"Where have you been Tyla?!"My Dad said angrily.

"I was out man chill," I said.

"out where," He said whilst kissing his teeth.

"with Clyde and the rest now can you leave me alone because I'm tired," I said whilst going up to my room.

"we'll talk about this later don't think this is finished!"He shouted up at me.

I walked into my room and fell face flat onto my bed and let out a deep groan when my phone began to ring.

*phone call*

" what? who is this?" I said slyly annoyed.

"How could you forget me it's your girl Latoya," Latoya said excitedly.


"Oh shit I totally forgot,"I said shocked

" I guess you've been enjoying yourself in London to remember me," Latoya said slyly pissed off.

"NO NO it's not like that-," I said.

Before I could finish my sentence she ended the call so I kissed my teeth and just got ready to go to bed.

The next morning I woke up with a banging headache and I didn't feel like going to school either so I just stayed at home all day then around 1:30 pm Clyde called me.

"why you not in school," She said concerned.

"I have a headache and didn't feel like going"

"Is it because of yesterday because we-" she started to say

"NO not at all just leave it,"I said lying I didn't want her to bring up yesterday because I didn't want to remember what happened.

"Alright, I'll talk to you later that clapped gorilla of a teacher is coming to confiscate my phone!" she said while kissing her teeth and ending the call.

I just sat on my bed bored as hell and decided to just go Morley's it wasn't far from my house and I had some change on me.

"where do you think you're going?"My dad said eyeing me.

"Morley's quick," I said opening my door.

"thought you were not well?" He said curiously.

"I'M NOT!" I said while leaving the house and slamming the door shut and making my way to Morley's the way I LOVED off chicken!.

"Next what can I get you," The man said with a FRESH Indian accent.

"umm can I get 6 wings and chips please," I said while giving him the money.

"your order will be in 5 minutes is that ok?" He said politely.

"yeah it's calm," I said while sitting down on one of the chairs in the shop.

As I sat down 3 boys came into the shop and ordered and sat down talking and me being the nosey person I am was ease dropping.

"ay did you man hear what happened to Jay,"One boy said.

"what happened ?" Another boy asked curiously.

"well apparently he got murked yesterday he almost died and now he's looking for the yutes who did it," the boy said.

"who did it?" the two other boys said.

"these yutes called crimz and firmz and some yats that set him up he said he's going to jook all of them fam and jay is a nigga who keeps to his word," the boy said.

"rah that's peak still," One boy said as I was in shock I knew exactly what he was talking about and those "yats" were me and Clyde!.

"Hello your order is ready,"The Indian man said while handing me the box of food.

"thank you," I said as I left the shop with my food in my hand still shocked over what I had heard by this moment I knew I had fucked up and was in some deep shit all I could do was hope.

I got home and sat at the TV and ate my food while thinking whether to call the rest and tell them what I heard but I knew they would do something dumb so I decided to either call poppy or 'Shanti because they were the calm ones of the group.

"hey b aren't you in school," Ashanti asked curiously.

"umm I had a headache and wasn't in the mood for it"

"mm right you ok now?" she asked concerned.

"yeah, I am thank you did you hear about yesterday?"

"yeah you guys are mad," she said whilst laughing

"I guess but I heard that the guy is angry and is after us, though!" I said scared as f.

"dw about it b keshone and Micheal will sort it out, "she said while reassuring me.

"Fine and why aren't you in school?"I asked

We spoke for some time until she had to come off the phone then I got tired then went to bed.

NY To LDN (OLD BOOK- DISCONTINUED)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя