Twenty - Happy Birthday

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John's P.O.V

        John blinked the sleep from his eyes and stretched his arms out wide. The sky was still dark so it must have been early morning. He was wearing a watch, but he knew there was no point checking it. After all the changing clock times by an hour business back in England, his watch was most likely wrong. He couldn't have been asleep long though for it only took a few hours to get from Ireland to England, they should be nearly there. John went to move his legs but found that he was unable. He panicked momentarily before looking down, a soft smile spreading over his face. Jade was still asleep, her head resting on his lap and her face peaceful, although her legs looked a bit crooked and squished. He brought his hands down from his stretching position and laid one gently on top of Jade's head. He ran his hand along her raven hair lightly as if it might break beneath his touch. He was a bit uncomfortable and his legs begged to be rid of the weight upon them, but Jade looked too tranquil for him to move with that small smile on her face and the slow rising of her stomach as she breathed. Right now he wouldn't wake her for the world.

Jade's P.O.V

        She was dreaming. She dreamt of thick, black hair, smiling lips and the most beautiful, leaf green eyes. She dreamt of a tease-worthy laugh, a setting sun and soft grass beneath her bare feet. She dreamt the many colours of the sky as the sun faded away, the burnt oranges, the light pinks and the blood reds.

        It was lovely and so was he.

        They walked together until they found the perfect spot, although it was no different from any of the other places they had passed. They sat next to each other, close so shoulders bumped and knees touched. The smile on her face was deep-set and seemed to stick like superglue. He joined their hands together and grinned crookedly at her in an endearing way that melted her on the inside. She mirrored him until her mouth felt so stretched that she needed to laugh. He did too, and soon they were clutching at their sides laughing over nothing. Now they lay side by side, close still with arms touching. It was perfect, everything was perfect. She turned her head to face him to see that he had done the same. He had a strange but happy expression on his face, one she couldn't quite place. He began to lean forward slightly, then-

        She woke up. Her neck was bent awkwardly and she couldn't feel her legs.

        "Good morning."

        She looked up into his face, the face from her dreams.

        "Morning, John."

        "You're're crushing me."

        Jade sat up immediately, hiding her flushing face. John flexed his legs. They must have been aching from having her head resting on them all night.

        "Sorry," she mumbled.

        "Were you having a nice dream? You were smiling."

        That did nothing to help the heat on her face. "Yeah, it was good."

        John opened his mouth as if to say something, but he was quickly interrupted.

        "Guys! We're here!" Rob yelled, waving the walkie-talkie in the air like it was a trophy. "Harry just made contact, we've arrived!"

        "What time is it?"

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