Chapter 2.9 (The missing bones)

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If it doesn't challenge you. It won't change you.

The very next Defence Against the Dark Arts class, Lockhart was once again reenacting some of the dramatic bits of his books. He didn't let anyone stop him from telling them exactly how he defeated the werewolf. He used a lot of handmovements, facial expressions and he even made Seamus and Harry act like the werewolf by roaring and biting at Lockhart.

It was rather amusing to say the least. Elizabeth especially was very much enjoying Lockhart's lessons because it gave her an excuse to thrown things at the 'bad actors', otherwise known as Seamus and Harry.

Harry pretended he was having the time of his life to get in Lockhart's good books. He didn't even complain when he had to act like Lockhart's broomstick which flew into a wall...

An hour later, Hermione, Ron and Harry stayed behind, looking extremely nervous while Artemis followed Elizabeth and Victoria outside. "Hey, Effie." She called.

Elizabeth, who still hadn't stopped laughing, turned to her. She managed to breath enough in between her laughing fits to say, "Yes?"

"Remember Snape talking about Polyjuice Potion a few weeks ago?"

"Yeah, I do. Why?" She said excitedly. "Oh, please tell me you want me to brew it!"

"Well, you're the best potioneer this school has seen in years..." Artemis winked. "I was wondering if you would be so kind to help us?"


"Yeah, Harry, Ron, Hermione and I."

"So...What's it for? Are we going to turn into Dumbledore and fire Snape?, wait, we should turn into Snape and flirt with McGonagall. That will give us a good laugh. Or maybe we could turn into Malfoy and insult Pansy till she cries-"

"We're trying to find out who petrified Mrs. Norris. You know how Harry gets. He's obsessed over it and he claims Draco must be the Heir of Slytherin..."

"Malfoy? That's crazy-talk!" Victoria said. "He's not smart enough to find that chamber when so many headmasters and headmistresses haven't. Especially not in his second year."

"Besides, why would he? I don't see him killing Muggleborns. I mean, he's in love with one...."

"Effie, what did you just say?" Artemis said, interrupting her.

"Oh, please, Ara. You must have noticed." Elizabeth smiled. "You're usually quite observant but I guess this explains why you haven't picked up on Ron's crush..."

"Oh Merlin, not you too...I mean, yeah, he's been acting weird and all but-"

"Oh, dear lord!" Victoria mumbled. "You really are obvlious to these things, Ara. But I guess Fred and George kept their promise. He would be so embarrassed..."

Elizabeth nodded and was going to say something else but noticed that Artemis was getting annoyed. "Darn! You really don't know, do you? Oh, this should be fun. It all started at the beginning of this year. Ron was as usual staring at you from across the common room. I said something about him drooling and the next thing I know Fred and George are there and teasing him. Hermione told them to bugger off and I made them swear not to tell you because I thought that was Ron's job. But as one of my best friends, I knew you didn't like him so I told him that you weren't looking for a relationship, especially with one of your friends. You can thank me by giving me that Muggle gun I've been asking for. They are like metal wands and they shoot these things they call bullets. Straight through the flesh..."

Victoria nudged her. Artemis's mouth was wide-open. "Anyways, then Luca said something about making that mistake as well. Apparently, he liked you or something and you friendzoned him, which made Jace laugh. Then, Dean and Seamus started making bets until Harry came in and everyone kind of went back to what they were doing." Victoria said.

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