The Change

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  • Dedicado a John Cruzado (my soul mate )

I am Mia and I was born and raised in the state of alabama. Then one day I was forced to pack up and leave all in a day's time. Life in Florida  was surprisingly allot better for me. A new school, A new boyfriend, A new home well, basically a whole new life.  But naturally there's one thing that has, and never will change in my life. And that is happiness. Every time I think that every things going to be okay. That maybe life is better. Maybe I really can be happy. Something always comes along and changes it for me. My mom and I have never really gotten along. Life's been a big struggle for me in that department. The only time I could ever remember my mom being happy is when she was with my dad. But she always seemed to push him away not only from herself but from me as well. She thought it was better that way. Things were okay for a while till she decided to move my oldest sister an her three kids in with us. It was only supposed to be a week, However a week turned into two weeks, then three, and before I knew it a year had passed us by. You see my mom and I lived in a 0ne bedroom trailer. She had the living room and I got to the bedroom. My Mom always preferred the living room area over the bedroom.  SO having four more people in the place tended to be very cramped. The kids stayed in my room which was a disaster when they got done with it. They had broken everything I owned. My  mom started to depend on me to help with the kids. Which wasn't really a problem for me, however I worked a full time job at the local laundromat as the attendant.  So I was a pretty busy girl. She started to get upset with me for always having to work. Which was really becoming an issue for all of us. We started to argue and fight again like we use to.  I couldn't take it any more!! So I packed my things and walked out. I went to stay with Family for a while, that's where It all started. 

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