The secret's!

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t's crazy when All you can think about is one person and one thing! Being with them.. All I had been doing was thinking about him! All I wanted was to be with him. My body ached for him, mourned for him. I wanted so much to be wrapped in his arms. Everything about him made me smile. My phone started going off, knocking me out of my Little Daydream. It was a text from Adam asking if he could see me again? Of course I said yes right away! I was so excited!! My heart began to race and I could feel my tummy filling up with those familiar flutters. I had just finished Getting ready, when I heard a horn outside. HE was there!! My anticipation grew even stronger as I raced to the door and out to the car! We went driving around for the longest time talking and holding hands. I could stay like that forever! But for some reason I could tell something was wrong.,... So I decided to take a Chance and ask what was going on? He sighed and then decided to pull over. I was a little nervous cause I wasn't sure what was going on? He looked over at me and grabbed my hands. He looked me in the eyes and began to speak.

My heart was starting to ache and my body was becoming numb as he just kept talking and talking. Tears began to welt up in my eyes. I couldn't bare the thought of how he must be feeling inside.. He finally stopped talking and just sat and waited nervously for me to reply. I was completely speechless. After about five minutes sitting there in utter silence. I looked down at my twittering thumbs and asked him to take me home.

When we arrived to my place I gave him a good night kiss without a word and got out of the car and walked away. I went to my room and started sobbing into my pillow. It was impossible for me to fall asleep everything he had told me was Still running through my mind.

The fact that he was married and had a little boy was hard to adsorb but then finding out he was in the marines for 4 years and Now going through divorce. I couldn't imagine the pain and strife he must be going through. I wanted to take all his worries away. I wanted to take his heart ache and heal him. But knowing there was nothing I could do just made me feel as helpless as he must have been feeling.

But none of that was even the worst of the secrets he was keeping. He told me about some legal issues and how he had court and a lawyer. And how he could go away for a while. I got really scared when he told me that I might lose him. I knew right then that my heart was getting too close to him. How could I stay with him and let myself fall in love knowing that I could lose him. I didn't know what to do. I was hurting so much inside.

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