The New beginning!

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The next few days were a blur. I didn't know what to do or say. Where to turn, What was left or right. My mind was flooded with nothing but confusion. My heart filled with pain an strife. Could it be that I Would never find my happy ending? My one and only love? Was he the one? Could it be? What do I do? So many things had crossed my mind but I was still dumbfounded about what to do.

I had so much going on at home haven came back to help my mom once again. I was a train wreck waiting to happen. Suicidal thoughts, Self harm and Extreme stress.I Couldn't take another day like that. Everything was falling apart just as fast as it came together. I Knew that If I didn't get away from my mom for good. I'd be stuck with her the rest of my life. I wanted to be independent and free. Make my own decisions, my own choices. So I started to look up programs and shelters looking for anything that could get me out of there. And then I came across Job corps Trade school. I remember my mom telling me about it a long time ago. She said she went to the one in Atlanta and that it was scary and bad. But At that moment anything was better than sticking where I was. HELL!.

So I did some research and found that There was dorm rooms and free living, food And they pay you to go there. So I said what the heck why not? So I called and set up an orientation and within a month or two I was On my way to the school. I was so excited to have a new beginning. But I was scared of what I was leaving behind me. All I could think about was him. But I figured I could keep texting and calling him. Maybe he could visit me and stuff. So I tried to push those thoughts aside for a bit.

When I finally got to my dorm room. I unpacked all my things and started setting things up filling out my inventory paper. When I finally finished that I decided to take a walk to the RAs office in the dorm. I asked if we had to go to class and everything the next day and they told me no so I went back to my room to lay down. I was completely alone that night scared to death. I closed my eyes and started to think about him. Wondering what he was doing. I wanted to pick my phone up and call him but I was so tired and soon drifted off to a dreamless night's sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 04 ⏰

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