The Meeting

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"One Of My closetest Friends "Jenny" was telling me one day on our daily bike ride to the corner store about a guy named "Adam" that liked her, but she didn't feel the same.

She told me that he was in college, and had a car, and a home. She said he was a great guy. Then she asked me to talk to him and get to know him so I agreed.

A few weeks later we went to the skate park. I thought we were just going skating but to my surprise we stopped at subway and there he was... I can remember that day so clearly, that smile,. How it lit up the room. Those eyes, I could have been lost forever in another dimension in time. And there I was in an old high school t shirt and tight torn jeans with tennishoes  egh I felt so yucky from being out in the sun for so long skating.

But the way he was looking at me I don't think he cared what I was wearing. I felt like it was just him and I, no one else existed in our little bubble. I can remember him making fun of me. Being all silly and stuff. I liked it. The sound of his laugh always  makes me smile.  Everything about being with him felt like a dream I never wanted to wake up from. 

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