thomas + jealousy

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you and the other casts of the maze runner are in a live interview and he get's jealous of you and dylan


"okay, next, who smells the best?" the interviewer asked, smiling from the card she was holding.

"kaya" ki said, raising his eyebrows, looking at the others who were nodding.

"i think y/n" will said, crossing his arms. you smirked at him, then looking at the interviewer instead who's currently laughing with the cast.

"oh yeah" thomas said, nodding and smiling at you at the same time. you immediately blushed, so you bit your lip and looked at kaya who's smirking at you.

"it's cause we're girls" you explained whilst laughing. kaya agreed as the boys rolled their eyes at the both of you.

"right right" the interviewer grinned, "who's the fastest runner, like in real life" she added, looking at each one of you.

"either asian or the brit" dylan said, pointing at

"i think it's you" kaya said, looking at dylan who's beside you. you're sitting in between dylan and ki.

"oh damn it's getting really flirty in here" ki exclaimed has he started fanning his face with his hands, flicking his wrists in the process.

"what?" kaya questioned, she looked at you and you smirked back, teasing her. she glared at you, motioning the camera.

"who's the most attractive?" the interviewer asked once again, smiling.

"will obviously, just look at them eyebrows though" you said, poking will's eyebrows.

"ew y/n get your dirty fingers off me" he said, slapping your hand and doing a 'hair flip'.

"hey hey don't slap my baby" dylan pouted, kissing your hand and hugging you with his arms. you felt thomas tense in his seat, but you just shrugged that off. dylan had always called you 'baby' anyways, because you're one of the youngest in the cast.

the interviewer asked another question but you didn't understood, you aren't that focused since you felt that there's something poking your sides making you jump on your seat. you looked over at dylan and saw him smirking. you poked his sides back, making him gasp. ki looked at the both of you with furrowed eyebrows, you didn't mind because you started tickling dylan's knees instead.

"stop" dylan whispered as he tried his best not to laugh, you shook your head no. he quickly tickled you back through your neck.

"you guys know that we're on live tv right?" ki whispered. making you and dylan stop from tickling each other. you focused back on the interviewer. you could see thomas staring at you in the corner of your eye, but then realizing that thomas might be watching the two of you the whole time. you looked at him but he quickly looked away. what's up with him? you thought.

"i think that's it! thank you guys for the interview" the interviewer said. you all replied a few 'no problem's and 'welcome's. you heard a crew scream 'cut' and called on for commercial. thomas was the first one to stand and walk backstage, making you curious.

"what's with the british?" will said, looking at you and the others. ki shrugged, but quickly looking at you and dylan.

"someone might be jealous" he said. you glared at him, taking your phone out instead. you logged on twitter and saw that '#tmrliveinterview' is trending. you smiled lightly and tapped on the text, but once you did, you realized that there's only one topic that they're talking about.

@ harrystilesstilinski
i know i'm not the only one shipping dylan and y/n

@ pootlovato89
lol dylan and y/n look really cute together, am i right ladiezz?

@ kihongmylee
dylan and y/n looking all cute while thomas is like 'get yo hands off my girl' i don't know what to ship? #plssendhalp

"come one girl let's go" kaya said, holding your hand. all of you stood up and walked backstage. you quickly looked for thomas. you went in the dressing room and saw him sitting on the couch with his phone in hand.

"hey" you said, sitting beside you. you placed your hands on his back but he flinched away. you looked at him curiously and bit your lip.

"thomas, what's wrong?" you asked, grabbing his arms, which he didn't moved. he looked at you, his eyes darker that usual.

"you like dylan, don't you? i can see the way you're looking at him" he said.

"no way, what the heck's with you?" you said, leaning back on the seat.


"no, seriously. what's up?"

"i said nothing" he exclaimed, standing from his seat. his voice boomed in the room which made you jump. he leaned on the table and glanced at you through the mirror. you slowly stood up from your seat, placing your palms firmly on your lap. he looked at you again, he sighed and closed his eyes. he turned around, rubbing his temples.

"i like you, okay?" he mumbled, looking down on his feet. "and i'm jealous. jealous that he can make you laugh and i can't. i'm jealous that the fans are shipping you with him, and not me" he sadly said.

"thomas he's tickling me, why won't i laugh?" you said, crossing your arms and smirking at him.

"please stop smirking at me" he said, looking at you through his lashes. why is he so adorable?

you smiled and walked slowly towards him. you placed your warm hands on one side of his face, giving him a quick peck on the cheek. "you're cute when you're jealous" you giggled, making him smile. "and i like you too" you added.

you slowly leaned in, his face merely inches from yours. you were about to kiss but then you heard someone speak. "that's right sangster, get some!" you immediately leaned back and looked at the door, ki and will are laughing while kaya and dylan are smirking at the two of you.


first imagine :) idek what to do lol but i think it's cute and meh. vote and comment? and i also take requests, just message me :) ily xx


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