newt + romeo and juliet

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sorta typical romeo and juliet, can't find the words to summarize this imagine rofl


you felt the cold wind blow on your face as you continued to run. crunching leaves, breaking branches, and your heavy breathing filled the air. you don't care, all that you wanted was to escape, to see the world you're in, to get away from gally and his possessiveness.

you see, it's been almost a year, ever since the night you've got into that place, which they call glade or some other shuck, you've been locked in gally's room. and yes, you read that right. you were delivered in the glade late at night, and gally was the first one to get you, marking and telling you that you were his.

"y/n where are you?" you heard someone shout, the voice echoing in the woods. you ran, as fast as you can. not even minding all the bruises and cuts that you might get. once you heard silence, complete silence, you slowed down. you slowly slid yourself down on a tree, catching your breath.

you slowly opened your eyes, realizing that there is some lights and voices coming from a distance. you decided to follow it. you stepped ever so slowly. your heart was beating so fast. using your arm to get the branches away, you gasped at the sight of people in a distance, dancing, singing and all having fun with a fire in the middle of the circle they're in. you smiled, looking at the peoples faces, how their faces shined thru the light eliminated my the fire.

you looked at each one of them, noticing that they're all boys. you just shrugged that thing off, but one boy caught your eye, not because he was attractive or something (he is actually), but because he was staring right back at you. you gasped, hiding behind the tree beside you. he just saw you, y/n, you thought, shutting your eyes hoping that it was all a part of your imagination.

"is anyone in here?" someone with a different , kind of british accent, stated as footsteps and crunching leaves are heard. "i know there's someone in here, go out" the voice spoke again.

he seems nice, you said to yourself

he might kill you, you started mentally debating with yourself. you decided not to show up so you slowly walked through the dark. you bit your lip in the process, trying to step on nothing but soil and not objects that'll make sound. unluckily, being the clumsy girl you are, you stepped on a rock and slipped, making you scream, not so loudly.

you felt the boy's gaze towards you. your back slightly getting heated, possibly because of the light he was holding. "who are you?" he asked, you turned around and looked at him teary-eyed. you rose your hands up "i'm sorry i didn't mean to intrude" you exclaimed.

"what are you talking about?" he questioned, raising his lamp up to see your face. his face drained all it's color when he sees you, a slight tint of pink left out in his cheeks. "you're a..... girl" he mumbled. he took a few steps towards you, making you take a few steps backward.

"i won't hurt you" he reassured, raising one of his hands. he took a few more steps until he was merely inches away from you. he brought the lamp up, almost beside your face. he looked down at you intently, his breath fanning your face while his other hand caressed your face and his thumb lightly pressing your cheek.

"i never saw true beauty till this night"

the words ran in your head repeatedly, you stared back at his brown orbs. "where have you been? why haven't i seen you before? are you a greenie?" he asked, looking at your eyes, at your lips. "no i- i've been in the glade for about a year" you replied.

his eyes searched yours for an answer, he jumped and took a step back. "you're in gally's group, aren't you?" he said, furious. "why are you here? to what? kill one of us again?" he shouted, turning back and grabbing the knife dangling from his side pocket.

"no, i'm not like that! i just-" you said, breathless. "i just wanted to escape from gally, he's treating me like shit for a few months now and i can't handle it anymore. i'm sorry, i think i'd just go ba-"

"where are you?" someone shouted from a distance, it was gally. "shit" you muttered, running your hands through your hair. "i need to go, go back to your group i'm sorry i'd cause harm" you said, your hands shaking terribly and getting clammy because of your nervousness.

the boy looked behind you, then back at your face. "come with me" he gulped, beads of sweat starting to roll down on his temples. "no you don't understa-"

"baby come out, i ain't playing games" gally's voice boomed, getting louder and louder each second. "go now" you exclaimed, pushing the boy, telling him to hide.

"there you are" you heard gally said far behind you, you quickly turned around, wearing maybe one the fakest smiles you've worn. "what are you doing out here?"

"i just needed fresh air, gally"

"you could've just went outside your cabin, not the end of the woods"

"why are you being so strict about me walking here? are you hiding something? something you don't want me to see? hmm gally?" you asked slowly. he stiffened and looked at you nervously. "we need to go back home, now" he said, grabbing your arms and pulling you beside him with much force as he walked back to your side of the glade.

"ow gally you're hurting me" you exclaimed, you looked back at the darkness behind you, wondering if you'd see the boy again. just as you thought, he was thinking the same thing.

he watched the two of you walk back to the opposite direction he was in. sighing, he grabbed the lamp and went back to his group. he sat beside one of his friends, minho. minho looked at him in curiosity. "where have you been man? what happened?" minho asked, patting him on the back.

"i saw a girl, and i swear she has this something different about her" the boy said, "so beautiful i even forgot to ask her name, i'm a dumbass"


i feel like this imagine is soo corny as fück but eyy, second imagine! yet again, i take requests, please vote and comment? part 2? ily xx


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