newt + accidental kiss

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you accidentally kiss each other :-) breezy moves af slop slop motherfucker


you're the new greenie. you've just been in the glade for a few hours, and this night they're having their campfire sort of thing. you're currently standing, hugging your jacket as the wind continued on blowing your face.

you glanced around, wondering where you might sit or who you might talk to, and you spotted newt. he's sitting near a log and staring straight in the maze. you skipped and sat beside him. "hey newt" you greeted.

"hey greenie" he said, patting your head. "what's up?" he asked, taking a sip from a jar containing alcoholic drink, maybe gally's recipe. "nothing, i just feel out of place and needed someone to talk to" you said, hugging your legs to your chest.

he took one last sip and faced you, his other arm resting on the wood behind you. "what makes you think that you can talk to me?" he said, glaring at you. you leaned back, mentally cursing yourself. you've gone all red, making him laugh. "i'm just shucking with you, greenie. go on, what do you want to talk about?"

"what's in there" you said, pointing in the maze. "the maze? it has this thing that might sting you, that can lead you to death. we call them grievers" he said, taking another sip from the jar he's holding.

you pursed your lips, looking straight ahead. "but why are we here? why don't we remember anything?" you asked, looking at him. "no one knows" he sighed, placing the jar firm on the ground. "but sometimes, some memories come back through dreams, like last night"

"last night? what'd you dreamed of?" you asked, releasing your knees and letting your legs rest straight on the ground. "i was with a girl, contented, holding hands, kissing, happy, in love" he whispered. you nodded, immediately fiddling with your hands, his statement affecting you. what about me? you thought.

"you want to know why i acted like that when i first saw you this morning?" he said, looking far ahead. "why i acted weird and stared at you that way?" he added, clearing his throat and scooting nearer towards you.

"it's because the girl looked exactly like you"

he spoke, making you look up from your fiddling hands. "newt! y/n!" someone called out from behind you. you looked over your left. your heart jumped when you suddenly felt soft lips against yours. you pulled away, revealing newt's red face. "i'm so sorry i didn't meant that, frypan called us and-"

"it's okay" you chuckled, "let's go and eat" you stood up, reaching out your hand to help him stand up. he laughed and took it, standing up from his seat. you started walking, biting your lip to stop yourself from blushing. you looked up at him and caught him smiling down at you. "what?"

"nothing" he giggled. you walked towards the others and sat beside thomas, the guy who came before you, as newt went towards frypan's direction. "hey" you greeted him, "hi y/n" he smiled. you clicked your tongue and tapped on your foot just as minho and newt walked towards you. "here's your food greenie" minho handled you your food. "i have a name you know"

"yeah right" he exclaimed, "i'll go and eat with alby and gally. you three stay here" minho said as he started to walk away. "oh and by the way" he said, turning his heel and raising up one finger. "i saw that"

"saw what?" thomas asked, smirking at you and newt. you looked at newt and saw him staring at you. "nothing" you said, smiling back at newt who looked at you as he bit his lip, stopping himself from grinning.


i find this cute aww. and our wifi got cut, aww. and again please vote and comment aand request! ily xx


Thomas Brodie - Sangster / Newt ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now