Chapter 10: Days 3 & 4

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The next morning, I woke up to the sound of a cannon being fired. Immediately, I filled the pockets in my knife-thrower's vest with throwing knives and grabbed that hatchet I'd retrieved in the bloodbath two days ago.

I walked outside of the cornucopia on my toes ready to jump if a tribute decided to lunge at me. That's when the metallic smell of blood entered my nose. I looked around and saw Marvel pulling his spear out of the boy from five. He looked at me and wiped off his spear with a blanket.

"The kid tried to steal our food; probably to give it to the girl from his district. She's still alive you know," Marvel told me. He backed away from the body as the hovercraft flew in. He walked over to me as the body started floating up in the air. "Ever seen someone go up with the body?"

"No, it's illegal." I said to him.

"I bet you that if I do, they'll think I outsmarted the rest of you and they might just kill the other tributes for us; Glimmer, Teagan, Cassie, the girl from five, the boy from eleven, all of them." Marvel said.

"Suit yourself." I said on my way back to the cornucopia.

"Fine; I will." he said to me. I turned around to see Marvel just barely grabbing onto the boy from five's dead body and being lifted up to the hovercraft with him.

"Glimmer!" I yelled towards the cornucopia. Glimmer came running out of the cornucopia with her bow ready to fire. She came out just in time to see him be pulled inside the hovercraft and fly away.

"What's going on?" she asked in a panic. I pointed at Marvel. "Is he stupid? He's gonna get himself killed!"

"I told him it was illegal but he didn't believe me." I said.

"And I was stupid enough to believe he was smart." Glimmer laughed angrily.

"Agh! Help!" I heard Cassie scream from the top of the cornucopia. I scrambled up there with my hatchet in hand and saw her being pinned down by the boy from eleven. Behind him was the girl from twelve and the girl from eleven. Both girls had a knife in hand. They must've stolen them from us when we weren't looking.

"Put down the hatchet or she's dead." the boy said. He looked about eighteen and was definitely capable of killing Cassie in a heartbeat. "I said, put down the hatchet."

Just then, an arrow flew into the girl from twelve's head from out of nowhere and she fell down onto the top of the cornucopia. A cannon went off signaling her death. Thresh turned around and saw the arrow through the girl's head. As he was turning back to kill Cassie, I swung the hatchet and hit him across the chest. The girl from eleven was crying over the girl from twelve who'd just been killed.

"Katniss, no!" she cried trying to pull the arrow out of her head. "Katniss! Come on, you can't be dead! Please wake up! Prim needs you back home! I need you! Come on, wake up!"

Blood was spilling from the chest of the boy from eleven. I tackled him so I was ontop of him with a knife in hand.

"Rue, run," he said spitting out blood. Rue must be the girl from eleven's name. She didn't budge. That's when I saw Teagan jump up behind her with Cato's sword in hand. Cassie had blood all over her face as she crawled to the opposite side of the cornucopia that Rue was on.

"Don't kill her Teagan," I said to Teagan as she snuck up behind Rue and strangled her to the ground.

"Do it," the boy from eleven said. "Do it. Just kill me. I'm already a goner." he started to cry a bit as he spit out blood. I raised my knife and jabbed it into his chest. I started to cry as I did this and soon enough, a cannon went off.

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