.Chapter One~ Simply Badass

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A/n~ the picture is of Connie, and let's just say she is definitely my type, well if she wasn't a dumb blonde ;-)
Amber's pov~

Walking down the hall after my outburst during class was like Miley Cyrus walking down the road after the VMAs.

To put it simply, everyone was talking and whispering, but shut up as soon as I glared their way.

I knew that Harper would eventually try to kick my ass for this whole ordeal, but she wouldn't get far in the 'beating of my ass' she'd be in the hospital after the first punch, I'd gladly become her personal grim reaper.

"Amber! Come here bestie!" Connie shouted, running up to me like she didn't know I hated her guts and much rather spend a day with Kim Kardashian than spend a second with her.

"Go away Connie, I don't like you and I never will be your friend no matter how much annoying fucking whining you do." I said, hoping to get my point across but she was too idiotic to listen.

"So I heard about your run-in with miss prissy pants, I didn't know you could laugh, or that you even had feelings and I've been your friend for like ever!" Connie said, and I figured in that moment it was my time to make a smart ass comment.

"So what you're saying is I'm dead, or from another planet?" I asked.

"Yeah you're like from the planet Europe or something." Connie said.

"Europe is a country, not a planet, blondie." I said, pushing my purple hair out of my face (I'd had taken it down so no one could see my reactions to the rumors).

"Oh yeah...." Connie said, her voice just proving the fact that she was a stupid blonde, maybe the stereotype is true, blondes are idiots.

Thanks to the pushing my hair out of my eyes, I saw Harper glaring at my out of the corner of my eye, making me smile in triumph.

"Hey look boys, we got fresh meat." Allison's stupid boyfriend, and the quarterback of the football team, Brad Grossman said, heading towards Harper.

"This will be fun, mostly after that Valentin kid started to avoid us, god that gay faggot was fun to fucking beat!" Matt Watson, one of Brad's 'servents' said.

"His sister is kinda hot though, Matt." Keith Jackson, the other 'servent' said.

"Shut up you idiots!" Brad said, stalking towards Harper, who had a scared look in her eyes.

"Wow, I knew you guys didn't have hearts, but picking on a poor defenseless girl?! I never knew you dumb jocks could stoop that low, I gotta say I'm disappointed." I said, mischief on my mind.

"Who invited the emo bitch?" Matt asked.

"I invited myself, Matt. Now, back the fuck off or I'm gonna make you." I said, cracking my knuckles, and putting a cigarette in my mouth and lighting it before cracking my neck. I mean if I'm gonna be a badass superhero I gotta go all out right?

"Hey, there's no smoking in the school!" Keith pointed out.

"Oh so smart, I applaud you," I said, clapping tauntingly "now back off of my rainbow headed friend, or your brains will be stuck onto the wall when I slam your fucking heads into it you pathetic, bastards!" I finished.

"Get her boys, this emo freak needs to learn her place under the foot of the king!" Brad said.

"In your fucking dreams you motherfu....." I was cut off by the gayest guy at my school.

"Harper!" It was Valentin who was followed by his twin sister, Valentine.

"Back off you fucking hot ass jocks!" Valentin said, pushing himself in between the jocks and Harper.

"I don't shoot for your team, but what my brother said!" Valentine said, getting beside her brother.

"Hey faggot, back for another round?" Brad asked, cracking his knuckles.

"Cut it out Brady!" Valentin said, surprising everyone, including me.

"What the fuck did you just say?" Brad asked, his voice menacingly low, ready to kill the poor rainbow boy.

I stepped in front of the twins and Harper, glaring at Brad.

"Oh looky the emo bitch is sacrificing herself for these freaks, how sweet is that?" Brad asked, making the crowd that I didn't even know was huddling us crowd around.

"Well now you're pushing it, Grossman, I suggest you stop and go back to where you came from before I go off the deep end and kill your fucking ass!" I shouted, making the crowd start rooting for me.

Suddenly everything went in slow motion. Brad swung at me, his fist connecting with my jaw.

I stumbled back, holding my jaw, knowing it was gonna be bruised tomarrow. I growled at him, my anger meter was way past it's highest point, and had exploded like in the cartoons.

"You fucking bastard!" I yelled, throwing my fist at his face, connecting with his nose which mad a sickening crack! Sound.

Brad stumbled back and sent his servents after me. Matt came at me first, his fist aiming for my stomach, but I blocked it and kicked him where the sun don't shine.

Keith came at me next, trying to tackle me to get an advantage. I side stepped him, making him fall on his stomach. I got on his back and straddled his buff body. I used a pressure point on him and got off his limp body.

Brad came back at me, his broken nose caused blood to fly everywhere. I was about to kick him in the nuts when Valentin stepped in between him and I and held him.

"Shhhh.... it's okay Brady." He whispered, noticing Brad was crying and holding his broken nose.

"Get off of me faggot!" He yelled, getting up and heading for the nurse's office.

Some people from the crowd picked up the servents and carried them into the nurse's office after Brad.

"He so has the hots for you, Val!" Harper said, wrapping her arms around Valentin's neck.

"Yeah he does!" Valentine said, joining into the group hug.

We were the only ones in the hallway, Harper, Valentin, Valentine, Connie, and I. The crowd had cleared out and everyone was laughing and hugging.

Harper pulled away from the hug and went up to me. "Thank you, Amber. I don't know what I would've done if you hadn't come." She said, playing with her fingers.

"Don't mention it." I said, walking away.

"Hey, Amber sit with us during lunch!" Harper yelled down the hallway as I walked away with my heart fluttering from Harper's sweet invitation.

Fuck I'm turning into a softy.

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