Chapter Four~ Simple Little Nightmares

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A/n~ There's Valentine! I'd tap her ;-)
Harper's pov~
I sat on the floor of my room, crying my eyes out.

Blood poured out of my most likely broken nose, and my eye was swelling from his punch.

I was completely naked, holding my thin body as my nude father lay sleeping on my bed.

I wiped my eyes and picked my clothes up from where they had been thrown by my drunken father.

My mother could be heard crying from somewhere in my house (probably her room).

I put on my fake smile as the sunlight came into my darkened room.

Grabbing my glasses, I headed toward my bathroom for a shower, needing to wash away the horrid memories.

I didn't want to sneak back into my room for clothes when I was done washing, so I just wore the clothes I was wearing yesterday.

My phone vibrated in my pocket. I took it out and saw Valentin had texted me. Even though we had only became friends yesterday, we were joined at the hip.

'Valentine and I are gonna pick you up at your house in five minutes that okay?' The text read.

'Sure see u then' I texted back and shoved my phone into my pocket.

I sifted through my makeup until I found my concealer, mascara, eyeliner, eye shadow, and lip gloss.

I put the concealer on over my black eye, and the other bruises that were you could see easily.

A knock was heard at my front door, I grabbed my hand held mirror and kept doing my makeup as I opened the door, letting the twins in.

Once I finished my makeup I did my hair (with the twins help since they insisted so 'nicely').

The whole time they were on my house I was, scared to say the least. If my father came into the room I would be beaten, no doubt about it.

I didn't know if the twins would save me or not, and personally I couldn't find out. They were my friends even if I had only known them for a day, I wouldn't want them to face the wrath of my father.

My mother stumbled down the stairs, her head busted open, but she didn't seem to care. Her mind was on one thing.

"Who the fuck are these clowns?!" She asked as she tripped over the empty beer bottles that littered the ground.

"No one, mom." I said.

"You better not be fucking that boy, Harper!" She yelled, as she opened the fridge and pulled a beer out.

"Mom, he's gay." I said calmly, but truth be told I was petrified.

"You have a fucking fairy faggot as a friend?!" She yelled, taking a long chug of beer.

"Mom, he's a perfectly good friend, his sexual orientation doesn't matter." I said, taking the twins hands and getting ready to run at the first sign of danger.

"Get his gay ass out of here!" She yelled, throwing her half full beer at the wall behind us.

"Mom, these are my friends what the fuck are you doing?!" I cried.

"Trying to get the disease out of my fucking house! What the fuck does it look like, whore?!" She yelled, picking up the empty bottles off the floor and throwing them at us.

I dragged Valentin and Valentine out of the house.

"Never tell anyone about that, ever." I said.

"Okay, but what the fuck just happened?!" Valentin asked.

"Just friendly family bickering, nothing to dwell on." I said, smiling a fake smile.

"That didn't seem like family bickering to me, Harper but whatever you say, we got to get to school." Valentine said.

We all hopped into Valentin's blue corvette, turning on the radio so it was blasting some rock songs into the car.

"Who are we listening to?" I asked curiously.

"Get Scared, you like it?" Valentin asked.

"I guess, rock has never really been my style, but it is really good." I answered, starring out the window at the houses that pasted by.

"Remi said, he needs some milk and wanted us to pick it up after school." Valentine said, texting on her phone.

"Can't Aaron get it?!" Valentin complained.

"He has work, and Remi is working at the salon." Valentine said.

"Who is Aaron and Remi?" I asked.

"Our dads, Aaron owns a publishing company, you know, publishes books, and Remi owns a beauty salon. Remi is your stereotypical gay guy, the only way you'd be able to tell Aaron was gay is his wedding ring, it has their names on it." Valentin explained.

"So, you two aren't straight, and both of you are very stereotypical, and so are your dads?" I asked.

"yeah, we also have a completely straight little brother, he's four years old and already getting the ladies, his name is, Elliott." Valentine said.

"Interesting.... hey do you guys know anything about Amber's family?" I asked, leaning forward in my seat anxiously.

"Yeah, Amber has two mothers, Sweetie, and Shay. Sweetie lives up to her name, and Shay is the bad cop, but they're pretty cool. Amber also has a little sister named, Abby." Valentin said.

"Sweetie works at the bakery in town and Shay is a writer, they are really good friends with our family since Aaron is Shay's publisher. Little Abby is the same age as Elliott, we are trying to push them together, they'd be the most adorable couple!" Valentine said.

"They're four." I said.

"They are adorable!" Valentin said.

"Whatever." I said, rolling my eyes, but keeping the thought about Amber's family in my mind, knowing with Val and Tine's dads being good friends with her family getting close to their family would be good in my situation.

"We're here." Valentin said, pulling his blue corvette into a parking space.

"Let's go find Amber and Connie, I'm sure if we leave them alone for too much longer Amber will blow a fuse!" Valentine said.

"I wouldn't be surprised if you aren't that far from the truth." I said, walking up to the building that towered above our heads.

"There's Amber!" Valentin said, pointing to the wall of the school where Amber was smoking and being harassed by Connie.

"Hey Amber!" Valentine yelled, running towards the two of them, and waving like a lunatic.

"Amber~Chan!" Valentin yelled, jumping at Amber, letting her catch him.

He rubbed his face against her cheek, and mimicked a cat purring. He stopped 'purring' and licked her cheek.

"Get the fuck off of me, fairy!" Amber said, dropping Valentin on his ass.

I laughed, even when Valentin glared at me from the ground. This laugh was genuine, and made me wonder if they would actually help me with my little hell at home, but that would come later.

For now my goal was to get Amber to be mine by the end of the school year, even if it means getting beat a few times to get it.

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