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I feel like I have been erased.
Like a part of me no longer exists.
Yet for some reason
I can't seem to find the missing piece
It's like there's a wall
A dead end
Like there was never anything there
Why I am here
Why do I have to deal with this pain
Where is that erased part
Or have I simply forgotten
Did it ever exist
I wonder...
But maybe it was erased
Because slowly
I feel like parts of me are being erased
And I don't know how long it will take
Until the me that's known is gone.
For now I'll just hide the erased parts
Hopefully I won't be found out
Because I don't want the looks
The looks of the ones with full hearts
Because mine is just being erased
And I've forgotten what it looks like
So I can't fix it
I'm just one of the lost
The 1%
The forgotten
And ever so slowly

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