I still feel it

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You hate caring,

You care more then you should,

You want to scream and yell and punch him,

You want to hate him,

But you cant....

You love him too much,

You want to throw something,

But he made you feel like you didn't have to.

They say that you weren't really in love.

That your too young,

But you know it was real.

You know you loved him...

It hurts so much without him,

Its been a few months,

You don't cry everyday anymore,

You don't drink or smoke as much anymore,

But every once in a while...

You cant stop thinking about him.

Everything that happened,

Replaying everything in your head,

and you catch a few tears running down your face..

and you want to stop,

To stop hurting,

To stop loving him,

To stop caring about him,

But you cant, 

and you don't know why,

You want it to go away so bad,

But it wont leave you alone...

You still get knots in your stomach when you see him.

You know hes not yours anymore.

But no matter how much pain your in because of him,

You keep forgiving him ,

You cant be mad at him,

You cant stop loving him,

and it still fucking hurts....


Just as bad as when you first lost him..

Poems of the heartWhere stories live. Discover now