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Right when you figure something out...
It all comes crashing down

Right when you think that your ok...
You realize that your not

I don't get comfortable with a situation
Everyone always asks me why

It's because when I start trusting and think everything's ok...

It all just goes crashing down
Like a Avalanche
If you just stand there
You get suffocated
If you run
You get tired and eventually have to stop
And it all hits ten times as hard

And when you do get hit
All you can do is desperately wait
For some one to find you
For someone to rescue you
Trying to save yourself
But not being enough by yourself
And every time you breathe it hurts
It hurts so much and you wonder
Which breath will be your last
Not knowing when youll get out and be ok

And if you ever do get out
Youll never be the same
You'll never trust that spot where the Avalanche of pain hit you again

...you'll never be ok...

Poems of the heartWhere stories live. Discover now