Chapter 3

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That's what heavens bedroom looks like
Heavens pov:
I felt watched. The entire day I felt eyes on me. I took a look around the class and didn't see anything. Must be my imagination or something" hey Synthia. Do you feel watched" I whisper to her"no. Why?" She asked"nothing...never mind" I sighed. Then I heard a chuckle. It was female. But I smelled various types of perfume"to much perfume." The lunch bell rang and Maddie walked up to me" hey. I need to talk to you at lunch." She flashed a smile before walking to lunch. The smell of perfume coming from her, though I didn't think much of it. She was a popular girl and all. Maybe she was trying to gain attention from all the guys. She's a slut. Ain't it obvious?  So as me and Synthia walk to lunch we chatted about costumes and makeup for our cosplays. But when we arrived I waved Synthia off to get a table and went to investigate what Maddie wanted. She was standing by the outside door of the lunchroom with four guys around her. She pushed them away when she spotted me and she waved me over" follow me" she said and walked outside  I followed her with obvious discomfort. What did she want?  Was she gonna try to gut me? Haha. Nah she's to much of a girly girl for even a speck of dirt on her shirt. Much less blood. So I step outside and instantly met with the sight of a girl with pink hair and the face of Maddie. Her skin was tented a bubble gum pink and her dress was white with red specks all over it. She smelled like gardenias and poppies. But with other smells mixed in. She stepped closer and from her sleeve she produced a knife" stupid girl. Your in my way!" She lunged at me. I quickly stepped away and her knife got imbedded into the wall. She tried to pull it out but I ran inside. Synthia spotted me and ran after me" what's wrong?" She yelled at me. I looked back at her" a psycho chick with a knife and pink hair is after me. Just come on or stay. I'm heading to the woods" I yelled and pushed open the school doors" I'm coming with you!" She said as she caught up with me. That was the last time I saw my highschool. And the last time my life. Was normal


Hey guys!  I'm so sorry I haven't updated in awhile!!  The character without a name is called bubblegum and she's my stepsisters oc. She asked me to add her and so I delivered the wicked witch of man slaughter into the story. She generally only kills men. But ya know. I've gotta twist the story into something better! I'll add the proxies into the next chapter!!

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